Baroness are in the middle of touring North America in support of their new album, Stone. I couldn't miss their stop on the Sweet Oblivion Tour when it rolled through Santa Ana. They showcase Stone by kicking off the show with the album opener combo of "Embers/The Last Word." Baroness were bursting with energy and passion. Frontman, John Baizley's voice was boisterous, Nick Jost grooved across the stage, and Sebastian Thomson was packing a punch from the back. Gina Gleason stood upon the rim of the stage as she tore through her solo while the rest of the band took a step back. For fans of old, excitement swelled as the lights shifted down to a blue hue and the band jumped into "A Horse Called Golgatha." Baroness continued to coincide the lights with the accompanying album they were covering. When the band went into "March to the Sea" the band was painted in yellow and green and when the time came for a sing-a-long, the lights turned a deep shade of purple for their performance of "Chlorine and Wine."
Baroness continued to promote their new album Stone, playing tracks like "Under the Wheel" and "Shine," but they never stopped catering to the fans that have been with them from their beginnings. They bounced between more tracks from the Purple record and Gold & Grey's "Seasons." Towards the end of the set, Baizley took the time to acknowledge Baroness' original drummer, Allen Blickle. He was amongst the crowd and John dedicated the following tracks, that Allen had helped write, to him as they ramped up Blue's "The Sweetest Curse" before finishing off with Red's "Isak."
Baroness will continue to put beauty into metal as they push on with the Sweet Oblivion tour across North America. Any fan of the band would be a fool to miss it. They'll be on tour through to December. Find the dates below and be sure to check out their new album, Stone, if you haven't yet!