ScenePointBlank: What is your name and what do you do?
Mike Haley: Well, my name is Mike Haley. What do I do? I do lots of stuff...Anything particular you're interested in?
ScenePointBlank: No, just kind of an intro question, haha. How did you get into starting a label?
Mike Haley: I started it when I was in high school about six years ago or so. I don't know, I just wanted to put out a record and gave it a shot.
ScenePointBlank: Was that through friends or just some bands you particularly liked?
Mike Haley: Well, the first record was planned to be a 7" comp with a few bands, but I didn't know what I was doing so it ended up being a split with Joshua Fit For Battle and All I Ask. JFFB were all friends of mine already, but I didn't know any of the All I Ask guys until I asked them to do the record. I first heard them from a 7" they already had out.
ScenePointBlank: Why have you chosen to release music rather than make it?
Mike Haley: I don't really have any musical talent. I tried playing the guitar and that didn't work out. Then the drums and that didn't work out. I was in a band for a while called Echo Constructor where I did vocals. But that didn't work out either.
ScenePointBlank: For the most part your releases are on vinyl, why vinyl?
Mike Haley: I like vinyl more. It's fun. CDs are sort of boring if you ask me.
ScenePointBlank: How do you determine things like when to do releases on CD versus vinyl, how many to do in a pressing, and what colors?
Mike Haley: When I first started the label my intentions were to only release vinyl. The first CD I ever put out was the Force Fed Glass discography, only because it was to much material for a LP, and I couldn't afford a 2xLP or anything like that. Its kind of hard to do a label that only puts out vinyl though, atleast I think so. Shit is just so fucking expensive. I don't really know how i come to the conclusion if I'm going to put out a vinyl only release, or a CD only release, or put something out on both formats. Just take it case by case I guess. As far as colored vinyl, and stuff of that nature, sometimes the bands want a certain thing, sometimes I bring up an idea and see if its cool with them. I think having a limited amount on color or special packaging is fun. It's nice to get something like that. I might stop doing limited color stuff though, because people just go crazy about it and sell them for ridiculous amounts of money.