Top 5 Singles That Should Never Be Played Again
Soulja Boy ? "Crank That"
I've got to hand it to Soulja Boy, as he will probably be able to retire and live a comfortable life of getting crunk and having sex with all the girls he doused in water due to the amount of radio play and ring tone money he has made off of this song. If every college party in the United States had to pay a penny every time they played this song, Soulja Boy would own much of the Deep South. "Crank That" is justification enough for Nas to create Hip Hop is Dead. It wasn't so bad when it first hit the air, and it was even funny when hos started getting super soaked at every college party I attended. But once random frat guy, in his green collared polo and white Air Forces, started to do the dance in the living room of my apartment, it was evident that nobody else needed to "crank that" and hos certainly did not need to be super soaked anymore.
The Plain White T's ? "Hey There Delilah"
I'm almost 100% positive I heard this song on someone's Myspace two years ago. It's like a radio DJ accidentally played this song, and single handedly started the worst summer radio listening experience since Green Day came out with American Idiot. It's not that this song is even that terrible, but fuck, talk about beating a dead horse. America wishes it could beat terrorism like "Hey There Delilah" was discovered, corned, and then absolutely raped of everything it was worth.
Sean Kingston ? "Beautiful Girls"
Don't get me wrong; this song was my jam for a month or two in the summer. I used to bump it in my car before hardcore shows to get me psyched. But the only bad thing, besides the fact that Kingston is almost as white as I am, is that people started to think this kid had real talent. No, he doesn't. "Beautiful Girls" is the equivalent of a horror movie with really awesome death scenes but nothing else. Just show us people getting beheaded, keep it short and simple.
One Republic ? "Apologize"
This song may not be that relevant to mainstream airplay yet, although I've seen it on Fuse (which means it has to suck) and heard it on the radio a few times. The only problem is that my roommate plays this song more than I thought humanly possible, as well as the five hundred or so remixes that come with it. This song really is terrible, to the point that I couldn't bring myself to find it when writing this small blurb. Every time I hear it, it brings me back to a few months ago, twelve shots of Jim Bean down, trying to sleep, my walls vibrating as this shit excuse for a song drives me closer to stabbing my roommate. He didn't apologize the next morning either, because after all, it was too late.
Rihanna ? "Umbrella"
Like "Beautiful Girls," this is another song that I actually enjoy, but for a good three-month span leading up to her performance at the MTV Awards this was the only thing MTV played. "Umbrella" literally became like a Real World marathon, somehow empowering sorority girls and frat guys alike. It's good, but it's also obvious that Rihanna couldn't pen a hit without the help of Jay-Z.