Fucked Up
10,000 Marbles
Scene Point Blank: What are your top five albums that were released in 2007?
- Lee Douglas - New York Story
- Lindstrom - Let's Practice
- Mad Men - Demo
- Wu-Tang Clan - Watch Your Mouth
- That Lucky Soul - The Great Unwanted
- Mika - Love Today
Scene Point Blank: How will you remember 2007? (In terms of music)
Not buying one album.
Scene Point Blank: What kind of impact do you think donation-based releases like Radiohead, Saul Williams, etc? will have on the record industry?
It's an interesting concept, but I think people are missing the picture - that band Stars did this early in the year, and now Radiohead - these bands are liberating their music from the music industry, they just figured out a way to get their fans to pay for the leak of their records.
Scene Point Blank: 2007 saw the decommissioning of two prominent file-sharing groups - Demonoid and Oink. What kind of impact will the increased crackdown on file-sharing have on the record industry? Did it personally have an effect on you?
Our record got leaked before it came out in 2006, but it doesn't affect me. I do music to write and to tour - I have a day job and people downloading my record for free doesn't affect my check at the food co-op. My stance is more as a downloader, because I do that shit all the time.
Scene Point Blank: What can we look forward to from your band in 2008?
Chemystery of Common Life LP in the Fall, Year of the Rat 12" in the Summer, and a split 12" with Besnard Lakes at some point.
Scene Point Blank: What three records are you looking forward to most in 2008?
A new Spiller 12", new Rammer, and new Julee Cruise.
Homepage: http://www.lookingforgold.blogspot.com