It's been a long year, right? You may well find yourself examining the last twelve months and trying to remember what music got released so you can include it on your "2023 best of" and still look cool. But—disaster! You can't remember anything! Thankfully, SPB has got you.
We've reached out to our friends in the music community: bands, labels and other music-adjacent folks. We asked them to not only give you a quick summary of the best records of the year, but also to give you a headstart on 2024 with some tips on what to look out for from their band or label. Not only can you wow your friends with your encyclopaedic knowledge of this year's music, but you'll also be ahead of the game when it comes to next year too! You're welcome.
Use the menu to the right to jump between pages and see what the various artists/labels shared with us. But to kick things off, here's a taster:
"We're very mean to ourselves so when we see someone earnestly enjoying the music, it's a great reminder of why we play music at all. I some merch too, but we can't sell enough shirts for us to quit our day jobs, so we'll settle for knowing you actually like our silly little songs."
"The entire music-going populace has been trained into giving CREDIT to these walled garden sharecropping services that you rent your music from. They do nothing for you and they do even less for the bands, they are barnacles at best and vampires at worst. Direct support. Your favorite artists probably don’t live as comfortably as you think and the ones you dig but don’t know that well definitely don’t."
"Recently, I've just been handing touring bands a $20 bill. I liked their set, I don't need another t-shirt, odds are I will probably only stream their music in my car. I like to think of it as buying all the streams I will eventually listen to."
Aaron Tyree (Shadow Age)

photo by Cat McCarthy
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
The only new release of the year I made it 100% through was Alone at Prom Deluxe by Tory Lanez.
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
.Foxlin. We came across the folk outfit Foxlin on tour. Foxlin is therapy for an artist with incurable cancer, searching for the meaning of life. The songs are very real, and visceral, and put me in a place where I was connecting with Ryan's music on an emotional level while also questioning and challenging my own mortality and humanity. I've literally thought about his set every day since I saw it. Highly recommended.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
Fond memories from tour earlier this year.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
A new record. More standalone singles. More shows!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I don't actively seek out music, so I'm at a loss with this one. Perhaps the new Cure album if it comes out next year?
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
If you see a band you like live, buy their merch!
Aaron Tyree – social media links
- Instagram: @shadowagesongs
Alex Goldfarb (Debt Neglector)

photo by Loren Green
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Paint it Black - Famine
- Scowl - Psychic Dance Routine EP
- Jeff Rosenstock - HellMode
- Open City - Hands in the Honey Jar
- Chinese Telephones - Outta My Hands EP
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I’m very bad at discovering new bands! But I saw Decent Criminal a couple times this year and they put on a great show. I’d also say that the new Taking Meds record has some really cool and interesting song writing on it. I saw them at Pouzza Fest when we played it years ago but I never checked out one of their records until the new one came out. Chinese Telephones were a band we played with this year at The Fest and I checked out their EP after and loved it. It’s super catchy.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
We would have very much liked to have gotten to play more shows in 2023! But we’ve been writing a new record so that’s sort of been our priority. As always, playing The Fest and all the shows leading up to it were a huge highlight for us. Overall 2023 was kind of quiet for us but we’re hoping to make a lot more noise next year.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We start tracking a bunch of new songs in January, so we should have a brand new LP out by the end of the year. Other than that we’ve already got plans in the works for a trip or two, but nothing we can announce quite yet til we get all the details sorted out!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Besides our own??? Our friends in Virginity and Reconciler both have new albums coming out that we’re really stoked to hear! Y'all should check them out when you can!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Picking up vinyl and t-shirts is awesome. We make cool shirts and if I wasn’t in the band I would totally wear them. Honestly every little bit goes a long way. But even sharing music with your friends and posting about the bands you like is super helpful. And doing that doesn’t cost a thing!
American Television

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
This top five was a collab between Steve and Chris from American Television
- MxPx - Find a Way Home
- Samiam - Stowaway
- Paperback Tragedy - 8
- Curse Words - It was the Cursed of Times ...
- Rebuilder - Local Support
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Keep Flying – It’s given me and my son another band we both love. It’s really rad when you can share a musical bond and connect with your kids over a band or a song. Most kids lean away from their parents' music choices but punk rock has a sort of timeless youth that makes it easier to connect different generations. (Chris, Lead Guitarist)
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
The punk rock scene has changed a lot since I got into it in the mid '90s, but it is alive and well with the best of us keeping it going in positive directions. This year I’ve heard so many rad bands that are new to me and I’ve made so many new friends through music. 2023 will be a year that I will carry in my memories for sure. (Chris, Lead Guitarist)
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Our new guitarist Chris has already started writing with us, so there will be something new from us and some dates we're working on in new cities. (Steve, Vox/Guitar)
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Virginity & MakeWar
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Honestly, just let your inhibitions go. If the crowd is having fun and vibing with us, it's the best feeling we could ask for. If you have some extra cash grab a t-shirt or an album, or just bring a friend out next time we come through town. (Steve, Vox/Guitar)
American Television – social media links
- Instagram: @amtvband
Andy (Sell The Heart Records / Tsunami Bomb)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Samiam - Stowaway
- Paint It Black - Famine
- Flying Raccoon Suit - Moonflower
- Snooper - Super Snooper
- Black Pumas - Chronicles of a Diamond
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
MSPaint - I had heard quite a buzz about them through the year, and didn't really get around the listening to them, but since Tsunami Bomb was performing at FEST, and so were they, I made it a point to go check them out. They completely blew me away with how original and good they were. Definitely understand all of the buzz around them.
Porch Coffin - I got turned onto them by Tony Weinbender (who organizes FEST), and holy crap are they a good band. They released an album last year that completely flew under my radar, but once I heard it I was hooked. Tremendously good band, with a great live show to back it up.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I'll remember it as a year where we saw what I would consider to be a significant shift in people's perception of entities like Spotify and Bandcamp. While it's clear there is still A LOT of work to be done in order to see a proper shift towards offering a better revenue stream for artists via these platforms, it is GREAT that there are strides being taken to do so. We also saw some positive movement regarding merch cuts, though it still has room to improve.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Sell The Heart Records has a TON of great music lined up for release in 2024. We already kicked off our 2024 Record Club, and have at least another 6-8 albums to announce for next year. Tsunami Bomb will be traveling to Europe and the UK for the first time in 20 years, as well as releasing new music.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Beyond the new music that Sell The Heart Records and Tsunami Bomb have coming out, I'm really looking forward to hearing the new Idles album in full once it is out. And I look forward to the new album from The Darts!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy a t-shirt, some stickers, or even just tip them. But beyond that, sign up for their Patreons or purchase some digital downloads. The $$ goes much further that way.
Andy – social media links
- Twitter: @selltheheart
- Instagram: @selltheheartrecords
Chris Mason (Faulty Cognitions / Dirt Cult Records)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- The Tubs - Dead Meat
- Tee Vee Repairmann - What's on TV?
- Sweeping Promises - Good Living is Coming for You
- The Whiffs - Scratch n Sniff
- Home Front - Games of Power
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Somehow, though I'd heard the name Chin-Chin, I had never bothered to check them out. A friend, who I frequently trade music links with, sent me a link to one of their records and told me that he thought I'd love them. He thought right. I spent the next week sending the link to a bunch of friends who I guessed hadn't heard them either and we all marveled about how none of us had heard this perfect band from the early '80s. Anyway, you should totally listen to Chin-Chin!
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
It was probably the first year ever that I sold more personal records than I bought. I also kinda rekindled my love for used CDs -- they're cheap and they don't take up a ton of room. But none of that means that I wasn't actively seeking out new music. I'm just being a bit more particular about what I'm buying. At this point, I need to really know that I love something and will continue to love it before I decide to grab a physical copy. Life's expensive. So are records.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
I have a lot of cool stuff planned including records from Dead Years, Vicious Dreams, Hood Rats, De Rodillas, and more! I'm also super excited to be entering into re-releases with a bang. Somehow, I'll be re-releasing one of my all-time favorite early punk records ever from X (Australia) called X-Aspirations along with some rare early material.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Honestly, I'm really excited for the release of my new band Faulty Cognitions LP, hopefully sometime in early-ish 2024 on Cercle Social Records.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Probably buying merch from the band in the parking lot to avoid the merch cuts the venue's taking.
Chris Mason – social media links
- Instagram: @dirtcultrecords
Chuck Coffey (aka Charlie Continental) (Snappy Little Numbers / SPELLS)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
Getting down to 5 is always tough. There are usually 15-20 releases that could make it. These ones are pretty defendable as the top 5, though!
- Calling Hours - Say Less
- Snooper - Super Snooper
- Gee Tee - Goodnight Neanderthal
- Busted Head Racket - Junk Food
- The Bollweevils - Essential
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I’d have to go with Cel Ray from Chicago. They’re a newer band that released two great EPs this year, Cellular Raymond and Piss Park. I almost combo’d them for my top 5, but figured I’d just rave about them under this section. To me they are a fun, fresh and skilled example of the current generation of younger punk bands. You can hear the seamless melding of post-punk and budget rock (egg punk could be used as well) to create a tightly wound and frenetic sound. I suppose their impact on me is that no matter how long I stay interested and involved in punk-indie-whatever rock, there are always new bands forming out there that can still make my ears perk up and remind me of what urgency sounds like. I could just as easily have gone with Busted Head Racket (Newcastle, Australia) or Metrics (Barcelona, Spain) for similar reasons. These other two bands also show just how far and fast music can travel.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I think 2023 was a year of change in music. Not only were there lots of great records by established bands, but there are a lot of younger bands that are really leading the charge. The DIY approach, in various forms, is on a steep incline as the more mainstream approaches continue offering less and less to smaller artists. Vinyl costs have ballooned while average payouts from corporate clubs are rapidly dropping. I saw more cassettes and even CDs come out this year vs vinyl. More bands were looking to do shows in alternate venues where they have more control. Not just warehouse shows and the like, but other bars or art spaces that are independently owned and far more artist and community friendly. Music lovers are looking beyond streaming more and more to support and engage with bands they like. I think the shift is to be celebrated!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
SLN has a couple of things in the works. Early 2024 releases will include a split 7” from The Drolls & Gentlemen Rogues and a 12” by Pink Hawks. SPELLS will have a brand new LP out in the spring and we’re planning some touring to support that. I’m plotting a new series of low run releases, with the first offering being a collection of my solo tunes. I’ve really been inspired to simplify some things and use some of the space that affords to try out different creative approaches. I don’t set too much in stone and try to stay breezy. We’ll see how it all goes!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Every year I hope that there will be a new ALL album. I could go on and on about what a great band they are and how for me, Descendents and ALL are the same band. Aside from that, I don’t have anything in particular on my radar. My eye (and ears) is always on Australia and their wealth of outstanding budget-bedroom-garage-punk rock. I can’t remember who’s doing what, so I sign up for a lot of newsletters and get to be pleasantly surprised at things I’m sure to be interested in!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Being there is already such a wonderful gift. How cool is it if someone comes to your show to see you? How cool is it if someone comes to the show, didn’t know who you were, and liked your music? Community is a huge part of what drew me to punk and it continues to be a primary motivator as a fan and participant. If a band or artist is playing at a good space, the price of entry is a nice way to support bands. Buying a physical record is always great. The music is really the thing, after all. Grabbing a shirt or something is nice, but really, just being there is step #1.
Chuck Coffey (aka Charlie Continental) – social media links
- Instagram: @snappylittlenumbers
Conan Neutron (Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends)

photo by Abbey Garside
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
I do a podcast of these, so I should make you wait…but spreading the word about good music is spreading the word about good music.
- Djunah - Femina Furens
- Marnie Stern - The Comeback Kid
- Resurrectionists - Now That We Are All Ghosts
- Oxbow - Love’s Holiday
- Elephant Rifle - Broken Water
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
mssv (aka: Main Steam Stop Valve)
I was aware of them as a “Mike Watt thing,” especially since on their first tour it seemed like they were playing every city we were playing around the same time, but I didn’t understand them as a band and a distinct unit. The melding of Mike Watt’s bass, Stephen Hodges’ drumming (he’s worked with David Lynch, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan and more!) and Mike Baggetta’s guitar is something really special, and I’m glad I got to see them once on their US tour right before ours.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
This year was the year of Adult Prom to me. If you would have asked me at the beginning of the year if I thought we would have a split record with Lung out *at all*, let alone have completed an awesome full West Coast tour in support of it. I would have been skeptical. But it is a real thing, and absolutely everything we all hoped it would be. I would have liked to have done more with it, but I’m thrilled with what we got to do… and people have to get over the “two week album cycle” when we do more of it with them in the spring. Songs are still good, album still rocks. Deal with it.
We got out THREE videos for Adult Prom, which is pretty darn good. People seemed to like them well enough.
Also: Caterwaul 2023, which was bigger and better than before and was a great success and a great (if exhausting) time.
We also finished tracking a brand new Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends full-length, and just like every musician in history I think it is the best. The catch here is that it actually *IS* the best one.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Some Midwest dates with Lung for the aforementioned Adult Prom record, and then The Way of the Neutron in the fall, some exciting things in the conversation for that, but nothing at liberty to discuss and there’s nothing worse then a band people have barely heard of talking about “big things coming!”
Mclusky is coming back and we’re going to be making up that cancelled show on the 2022 tour we were supposed to play. That’s thrilling if you live in San Francisco or Oakland!
I dunno, probably a few more videos.
And as a dude (and 1/3 of the braintrust), yes… Caterwaul 2024. No, we don’t need more bands.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Lung has a new one coming too and I think that is the best one that they have ever done (other than the split LP with us, of course… COPIES STILL AVAILABLE).
USA Nails - Feel Worse, Character Stop was their best yet IMO. Excited to see it.
ARCWELDER! There’s gonna be a new Arcwelder record… That is amazing!
A new Mclusky record is coming, I’d IMAGINE that is going to come out next year and I think anybody that heard the recent EP on Bandcamp knows how rad that is.
B. Hamilton keeps releasing these EPs with unwieldy titles, but I think a record is coming by them. They rule!
Ooh! Bronson Arm is putting out a new record on Learning Curve, that’s going to be great.
There’s a really cool Seismic Wave Entertainment Compilation coming out too, with some great exclusives. That’ll be killer.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
It sucks to just say: “BUY STUFF!” But it’s “BUY STUFF!”. If you see a design you like for a t-shirt or hoodie or whatever. Not only does the money go to support the artist, YOU Are free advertising. Yes that includes at your local bar or grocery store or whatever. All of that matters.
Obviously the future of Bandcamp is uncertain, but even if you don’t maintain your own music library of mp3s, making a purchase there is money direct to the band without the need to send anything anywhere. I’m constantly blown away by people that don’t understand that concept, so I’m saying it now.
The entire music-going populace has been trained into giving CREDIT to these walled garden sharecropping services that you rent your music from. They do nothing for you and they do even less for the bands, they are barnacles at best and vampires at worst. Especially to smaller working bands. EVERYTHING costs more than it used to, and touring it somehow even more difficult than it used to be and it was never that easy. Direct support. Your favorite artists probably don’t live as comfortably as you think and the ones you dig but don’t know that well definitely don’t.
Barring capitalism points, become a megaphone. We are also being trained to engage with corporate-approved content, and yes this includes REACTIONS. If you really dig something tell EVERYBODY about it, don’t be afraid getting zero likes or coming off as “annoying.” One of the only good things about social media is that it allows us to become our own media sources. So do it.
Cory (Shape of Storms Records)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
Pascow - Sieben
I might be one of maybe 67 people in the USA to follow these long running Germans, but I've stoked on them since the Jade LP in 2019. Catchy, dramatic punk sung in a language I don't understand, but friggin' fantastic and quite the lift to my day when I put it on.
Closet Witch - Chiaroscuro
The sweetest, most down-to-earth people making the most intense music you're likely to hear or witness live.
Rarely is something seemingly so close to flying off the rails feel so focused. Additionally, I think this record finally gets close to the tornado of chaos this band is in person.
When they return to the stage, you better make your way there. Its terrifying and wonderful.
Svalbard - The Weight Of The Mask
I'll always love this band. Recently they've jumped to the big time (Nuclear Blast), and there is no one more deserving of the attention they'll (hopefully) receive. Brilliant, unique post-hardcore, post-metal whathaveyou. The sheer talent and unassuming nature of its members is mind boggling and refreshing. This band needs to tour the US absolutely immediately.
Mistral - In The Throes Of Losing Love
Alongside Starer, I found these young Poles via Folkvangr Records or via praise of those nearby the same. Whichever. Anyways, this is misty, often emotional (post) black metal that should be getting more ears on it. This was very much one of my "summer" black metal records. Makes sense they're compared to Sadness, as I'll argue that both owe half their sound to '90s emo/screamo as much as Cascadian forest bookish black metal.
Chepang - Swatta
Forget what you know about extreme music, especially grindcore. These people are taking every opportunity to turn the genre on its head. This record is just mind boggling on so many levels. I mean, a whole side of collaboration, and a whole side of AI interpretations of the previous three sides. It's fucking bonkers. Live it's an experience.
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
STARER . Through Starer I met the person behind it. And we've since become friends, and that's what listening to music and running a label and being in a band is for me.
Meeting and connecting with people.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
A massive amount of great music was made, and made by outspoken, intelligent people to boot. I still cant keep up with the endless stream of things I "need to check out/listen to/et al." I feel like music in general, at least as I experience it, is even more interesting and inclusive than previously. Hardcore / punk (and not the ones from the '90s boom) is borderline mainstream now, which is interesting to watch. We'll see if the youth moves on to something else, but in the meantime I'm happy to see stagediving at huge multi-genre festivals I'll likely never attend.
ps. crowdkilling can still fuck itself. again.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Sonata Arctica, Olhava, Unleash The Archers, Dodsrit, Saidan. I'm sure there's a million records I'll want to hear in a few short months.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
BUY FUCKING MERCH. Talk to them. Repeat.
Cory – social media links
- Instagram: @shapeofstormsrecords
Curran Reynolds (Body Stuff)
photo by Paul Roura
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
Much of my favorite music this year came from artists I repped as a publicist. I am lucky to get to work with people making great music, day in, day out. This year there were outstanding new albums from Årabrot, KEN mode, and King Yosef, to name just three.
Outside of that, here’s my top picks of the year:
- Pain of Truth - Not Through Blood
- Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want to Turn Into You
- Raspberry Bulbs - The World Is Empty, The Heart Is Full
- Kruelty - Untopia
- Lunacy - Universal Pressure
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I just heard the new demo by the NYC band Cross and I really like it.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I released my new album, Body Stuff 4.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Body Stuff kicks off 2024 with a NYC show with our friends Live Skull, Martin Bisi, and Dead Waves, and we are working on the next album, Body Stuff 5.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I don’t know! We’ll see.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Just show up! Be there, be part of it all. As for buying stuff, I like shirts.
Curran Reynolds – social media links
- Instagram: @bodystuffworldpeace
Darron (DC-Jam Records)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Meat Puppets “Live Manchester 2019”
- TSOL - Ignore Heroes soundtrack
- JFA - All In
- Ultrabomb - Time to Burn
- 16 HiFi Hits vinyl compilation
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Ultrabomb (featuring members of Husker Du, The Mahones, & UK Subs.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
The return of touring post COVID.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
New Ultrabomb album and new releases by Jack Swagger and Talia Keys.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy merch please. It’s a primary part of the bands income.
Daryl Wilson M.D. (The Bollweevils)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- The Bollweevils - Essential (What can I say? I like our stuff! It's really good!)
- Samiam - Stowaway
- Rancid - Tomorrow Never Comes
- Paint It Black - Famine
- Brutal Youth - Rebuilding Year
Honorable mention: Tightwire - Head Full Of Snake
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Rival Schools. I don't know why I never deeply listened to them in the past considering how much I love everything Walter does. He is mega talented and really nice as well. I saw Rival Schools at Riot Fest and it dawned on me that I should have been listening to them all along. They blew me away, now I can't stop listening to them! "Used for Glue" and "Small Doses" get me every time I hear those songs.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
It feels like a renaissance in music. Everyone is putting out amazing stuff. It was really difficult to pick a top 5. I really don't want to put anything in order because everyone is making some fantastic music. Things seem fun and loose, but with passion fueling the final product. Live shows also have a revival of energy that was leeched away during the pandemic years.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
More live shows outside of Chicago. Really want to go East and West Coast again. Hopefully get over to the UK and up to Canada. We have a bunch of songs in the working phase right now as well Ken said he has 5, and we expect a few from our new bass player Joe Mizzi. Even a few from our drummer Pete!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Actually, I am looking forward to some new Sludgeworth tunes! Also looking forward to a new record from my pals in Whatever from Ohio. I also hear that one of the artists I discovered this year on a trip down the old YouTube rabbit hole, Donny Ben'et, will have new stuff in 2024. I really enjoy his music!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
When you come to a live show, buy merch! Buy it all! It really helps the bands out tremendously. Buy a shirt for yourself and one for a friend. Spread the word on how you enjoyed the band. Buy the band a drink or a meal. Let them crash on your floor. Go to Bandcamp and buy the digital media. It all goes a long way to help independent artists.
Daryl Wilson M.D. – social media links
- Twitter: @TheBollweevils
- Instagram: @the_bollweevils_chicago
Deanna (Sincere Engineer)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Just Friends – Gusher
- Phony – Heater
- The Gaslight Anthem – History Books
- Hot Mulligan – Why Would I Watch
- The Menzingers – Some Of It Was True
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
The 1975! And their newest record is becoming one of my favorites ever. I saw them live for the first time this year too and it was amazing.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
We put out our new record called Cheap Grills in September and we did our first headlining tour this year! Got to play with and meet so many nice and cool bands – we also did Slam Dunk Festival, Sad Summer Festival, Lollapalooza, and Austin City Limits, which I’ll always remember about 2023 because they were all such a blast.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
More shows, for sure! I’m not sure what else yet, lol.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Alkaline Trio!!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Singalong and have a blast at the shows!! Buy your show tickets in advance if you can!
Eli Hansen (Real Numbers)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Lightheaded - Good Good Great (Slumberland)
- Smashing Times - This Sporting Life (K/Perennial)
- Roy Werner - Imagine My Surprise (Moon Glyph)
- Cut Worms - Cut Worms (Jagjaguwar)
- Cindy - Standard Candle Demos (Sloth Mate Productions)
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Suzanne Ciani. I didn't so much discover her this year but Jan 2023 was when I bought a copy of Seven Waves. This kinda kicked off a fascination between myself and Jeff Cornell (Real Numbers guitarist). I tracked down a DVD of the A Life In Waves documentary and Jeff started getting into modular synthesizers. Will Real Numbers go new age? No, but can you imagine??
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
A couple things!
1) Beloved Radio launched in Jan of 2023 and I've been doing monthly shows all year. It's been a great experience sharing music and refining my chops. Check it out, every weekend! My show is every 3rd Sunday at 4 pm Central. A year's worth of my shows are all archived here.
2) Back in high school and college I was obsessed with the Beatles but my collection then was all CDs. Over the years I had picked up a handful of LPs but only the USA versions on Capitol. Due to Capitol's mangling of the discography, I knew at some point I should have nice non-USA copies of all the albums. In early spring I found several sealed UK '70s pressings at a local antique store which got the ball rolling. Come December, I've mostly completed my mission. I've been collecting vinyl for years and it always bothered me that a group that was so important to my musical development was so poorly represented in my collection. But mostly it feels good to rehear this stuff with new ears!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
A new Real Numbers track is coming out early 2024! Can't say much more about it at this time but we are very excited about it. We'll also be recording more and playing some shows!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
More Lightheaded material (see #1 spot above). They are from New Jersey and sound like Pet Sounds Wrecking Crew Julee Cruise or something. Also the new Umbrellas LP coming out in January.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy a record/tape. It will sound better than streaming. Buy a shirt. Don't wear band shirts? No problem, wear it as pajamas. Let the band sleep on your couch.
Eli Hansen – social media links
- Instagram: @real.numbers
Felipe Patino (SACK)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Mercy Music - What You Stand to Lose
- Hotline TNT - Cartwheel
- Black Dots - EP3
- Drain - Living Proof
- Boygenius - The Record
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I discovered a band called Fiddlehead. I guess they've been around since 2014, but for whatever reason never crossed my radar. They're awesome and their songs are super inspiring.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I think 2023 can be remembered as a good year for music as well as post-Covid live shows. It seems things are back on track. It's true music seems to have become even more disposable and artificial recently, but at the same time I see more reach, more DIY efforts, better sounding records, and new and interesting genres.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
More music! With both Bricheros and SACK.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Hopefully a new Drug Church album.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Honestly, I thought CD sales were no longer viable although the last few shows we've played people actually bought CDs. A comeback ,perhaps? When going to a live show, other than purchasing merch, I think the best way for fans to show support is to make short clips, reels, tik toks or whatever and post those online and share. Social media is a huge way to show support, for sure.
Felipe Patino – social media links
- Twitter: @felipe411
- Instagram: @greendoorrecordings
Frank Turner

photo by AMH
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- The Lottery Winners - Anxiety Replacement Therapy
- Rancid - Tomorrow Never Comes
- The Sleeping Souls - Just Before The World Starts Burning
- Swans - The Beggar
- Mom Jeans - Bear Market
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Medium Build. Fantastic writer.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
The year I made a new record. That's kind of dominated my year musically!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Said new record! New music coming soon.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Aside from my own one (!!), the new Grace Petrie record, which I'm producing at the moment. Self promotion all round, haha.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Going to the show, in and of itself, makes a big difference. Show attendances are still way down post-COVID. And picking up merch of course.
Ian Cory (Lamniformes / Bellows / Model Child / Laughing Stock / Fictionss / Told Slant)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
This will likely change by the end of the year as I continue to review my notes, but as a provisionary stand-in here are my top five albums of 2023:
- 100 gecs - 10,000 gecs: The most fun I had listening to a new album all year. Tastes like vanilla coke and pepperoni pizza. How to make mass music for the youth and have a genuinely creative time with it. Ends right before it could seriously start to annoy you.
- Agriculture - Agriculture: Best metal album of the year, artsy black metal division. This might sound like missing the forest for the trees, but I knew this shit was really going to pop off when the soft song was legit good. If you sing a short, beautiful folk song and then play it again with screaming and blast beats in the next track I am always going to straight up lose my mind with joy. If you go one step further and interrupt the blasting and screaming with chaotic saxophone solos, you’re set for life.
- Metallica - 72 Seasons (Ian's Version): The album I thought about and listened to the most. Look, it is too long. It also has the highest frequency of legit good Metallica tunes since their return to thrash metal in the Trujillo era (I can safely call the albums released since St. Anger “the Trujillo era” and you’ll know what I mean, right?). Besides, have you seen Killers of the Flower Moon? You gotta let the old guys cook while they still can. Appropriately this is an album that only a band of older guys could have written. Lots of regret, self-reflection, etc. Still, I prefer the shorter tracklist that I edited for myself. Nearly cried the first time I heard the harmonized guitar lead in “Room of Mirrors.”
- Algiers - Shook: Best aggressively political record of ambiguous genre. The great stew of American music served with vengeful coldness. God bless every new Zach De La Rocha verse we get in this life. “Something Wrong” is one of the most inventive pieces of music of this young decade.
- Kara Jackson - Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?: Best singer/songwriter record of the year. I haven’t honestly spent enough time with it to articulate much about it, but it’s really good. Sad and funny. Sharp. Great production.
OTHER STUFF THAT’S DOPE: New albums from Anjimile, Anohni and the Johnsons, Chepang, Gridlink, Liturgy, Lana Del Ray, Great Falls, Horrendous, Tinashe, Victory Over the Sun, Water From Your Eyes, Woe, and Zulu.
NOT INCLUDED: the many great albums my friends contributed to over the year, excluded to save myself the headache of considering to rank them, all greatly enjoyed and appreciated privately.
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
This is a tough question as currently framed, mostly because I quibble with the verb “discover” when all of these artists were already on the map before I got around to listening to them, and because its difficult to quantify what impact any of them have had on my life other than me going “that sounds cool” after hearing them. It’d be far easier for me to measure the impact made by music that I’ve revisited and reinvested in this year than the new favorites that have yet to accrue any of the same emotional gravity. In any case, I finally got around to listening to Prefab Sprout after being told to by several different friends and acquaintances. Yup, really good! I finally got around to listening to Chuck Person’s Echo Jams Vol.1 while researching Daniel Loptain and felt like a fool for not checking it out sooner. And I really, really loved the Asunojokei album Island that came out last year.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I’ll remember 2023 as the year where I joined too many/not enough bands, and as a year that I caught up on new music again. I’ll remember listening to drum and bass mixes of old video game music while I wrote. I’ll remember the deliberate effort to check out more music from North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. I’ll remember a lot of hardcore bands playing thrash metal in Texas, and Brazilian funk records recommended to me by friends. This year Liturgy finally clicked for me and I thought maybe too much about Dmitri Shostakovich. I revisited the Trujillo era of Metallica more than I did the classic first four records. I saw Botch live. I learned a bunch of songs on drums and wrote even more words about each of them.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
A new Lamniformes album called The Lonely Atom, and maybe a new Lamniformes EP whose name I can tell you about another time.
With any luck I’ll be on the road again and I’ll continue to play an excessive number of shows with different bands in NYC. I will continue to learn songs and write about them for my newsletter.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Not going to lie, I want to know what the Dream Theater comeback album with Mike Portnoy sounds like. Definitely psyched for The Smile’s upcoming album. I’m excited for my own record, The Lonely Atom, because I already know it sounds good and can’t wait for people to agree with me. Maybe there’ll be a new Deafheaven album? Nine Inch Nails? A guy can dream…
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Is that true? Vinyl sales have risen over the last few years. People are trying to make CDs come back (shouts out to the used car market?), and I haven’t heard anything about a dip in cassette sales on an industry wide level. In either case, the spirit of the question is worth considering. How in this era of low streaming payouts, Bandcamp union busting, and venue merch cuts can fans best support their favorite artists?
Well if they’re going to a live show they’re already doing a lot, that’s for sure. From there, buying merch is a huge help, even if the venue is taking a cut. If the artists have a newsletter (*cough* *cough*) sign up for it. If you had a good time, tell your friends about it and maybe invite them next time the band comes to town. If you’re advocacy-inclined, bug your representatives about regulating streaming services, ending merch cuts, and implementing universal healthcare. That might be tough to do from a live show though, so maybe save that for a less noisy environment.
Ian Cory – social media links
- Instagram: @_lamniformes_
J. Wang (Come Closer / Fast Crowd Records)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Bully - Lucky For You
- The Mountain Goats - Jenny From Thebes
- Superchunk - Misfits and Mistakes
- Cowboys in the Campfire - Wronger
- Worriers - Trust Your Gut
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
The '80s band The Hated from DC. I don’t know where the heck I’ve been!
Also, Cowboys in the Campfire. Tommy Stinson has always had an impact on my approach to music but listening to concepts and setting his own rules on how to play shows, record, etc., resonated so much with me and gave me some confidence that I’m doing something right for the love of what I do and nothing more.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
2023 is going to be related to the self-release of the Come Closer LP We Died With Print. Most of my energy went into the production and release of this record.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Live shows and more Come Closer releases. We owe it to people who have supported us.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Something unexpected that resonates with me. That is what I’m always looking for. Also really looking forward to hearing Laura Jane Grace’s new album.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy whatever merch they have as well as buy them a beer!
J. Wang – social media links
- Instagram: @come_closermusic
Jon (The Path)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Buggin - Concrete Castles
- Middle Aged Queers – Anal Beads
- Illiterates – No Experts
- Jarada – No Coexistence with… Jarada
- CR Discography
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Tierra Whack. She is sick! Check out the video of "Whack World." It’s 15 1-minute hip-hop songs.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
2023 was a great year to be in Vermont. We have a LOT of incredible new bands who are coming up and a supportive scene of people ready to mosh. Keep an eye out for Cooked, Split in Half, Violet Crimes, Dead Solace, Torn, Corrupt World, Komodo, Dead St Dreamers and Slobdrop. We also have scene veterans who are still killing it Old North End, Void Bringer, Black Axe, Voices in Vain and more. Vermont rules.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We are working on a new record, which we hope to have out by the fall of 2024. Lyrically it’s inspired by Julian Jaynes bicameral mind theory and explores the experience and drawbacks of humans gaining consciousness. Evolution is a curse and we are going to write about it. We are also working on plans to do a runs with Rig Time!, Dry Socket and a few other friends. Follow us on the world wide web to be the first to know about it!
Personally, I’m restarting my defunct label burnitdown/REBUILD with the help of State of Mind Recordings. The goal is to rep my friends and help them reach a larger audience. The first release will be Cooked: Ad Nauseam on cassette. It’s a ripper and everyone should be psyched.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Cooked: Ad Nauseam and the upcoming Voices in Vain LP. Both deserve a lot of attention when they drop.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Nobody is getting rich, so spreading the word when you find a sick band is the most valuable contribution you can make. Show up, bring friends, get ROWDY!
Keaton Rogers and Kacey Greenwood (Raised on TV)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
Blink 182 - One More Time
Foo Fighters - But Here We Are
Death Cab For Cutie - Asphalt Meadows (Acoustic)
Decent Criminal - There's More to It Than Climbing
Fat Heaven - Trash Life
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
The band Berries and Toast. They're a local band here in LA, and we met them while having the chance to share the stage at a show. Really cool band, making great songs and putting on great shows.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
'23 was a solid year for music overall. The return of Blink 182 with Tom Delonge was definitely a highlight, and it was cool to see them back together and in full force. It's cool to see so many great bands that have their roots in the '90s and early '00s still going strong, putting out solid albums, and touring. We'll also remember '23 as a year with so many bands from our scene working hard, indie touring, and trying to push through to a bigger audience. I know we're definitely in that camp.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We have a new album coming out: our fifth, Make Time to Make Time. We'll be dropping singles (first coming out 12/8/23!), videos, with the full record coming out sometime in spring of '24. And we'll definitely be getting back on the road and playing everywhere we can!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
That's a good question. Our own!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Some of the best ways fans can support bands when they go to a show are subscribing to their channels online: Youtube, Spotify, social media pages, etc. Being at the show is already a huge show of support! Also, getting a shirt, a CD, a vinyl, anything! Signing the band's email list. Saying hey to the band, introducing yourself, that all goes a long way!
Keaton Rogers and Kacey Greenwood – social media links
- Twitter: @raisedontv
- Instagram: @raisedontvband
Mason Lowe

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Sugar Tradition - More Sugar: Detroit band that plays fast and sounds great loud!
- Dean Johnson - Nothing for Me Please: Good songs, well sung by one of my favorite Seattle bartenders.
- Rolling Stones - Hackney Diamonds: Obscure band of senior citizens from London, England with a surprising gift for bluesy rock 'n' roll.
- Rub - Contentment (single): Great throwback pop from a Seattle supergroup. Can't wait to hear the full LP!
- Quasi - Breaking the Balls of History: Portland's Quasi is always good and this album is especially good! Melodies and ideas for days...
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I got really into the Bee Gee's run of albums from 1966 to 1968 this year. Lots of variety. One song may be a blatant (if wonderfully executed) Beatles rip-off and the next song can punch you in the gut with real emotion. And then there's lots of out-there creativity that transcends any influence. They deliver plenty of fun, sunny stuff but there's no shortage of real curl-up-and-have-a-cry weepers. Lovely, high-quality music for people who like music.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
For me, it was the year I took the songs that I recorded all by myself (Morning People, Killroom Records) in my smelly little basement and set them loose on the world. It's scary opening yourself up whenever you put something out, but in this case I had no one else to share the blame if it flopped. Living on the edge, baby!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
My next album is nearly done. If Morning People was sunny and weird, the next one will be partly cloudy and weird. I'll likely play more live shows and release at least one more video from Morning People.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I'm ready for Seattle's Acapulco Lips to put out their next album. Their singer, Maria, plays in the live band for Morning People and I got roped into being an extra in one of their videos. That song is SO GOOD. When you're making a video you have to hear the song dozens of time. It never got old. I think folks are going to flip for the new Acapulco Lips. I flipped!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
I am totally the wrong person to ask about this! I chose to make my album a digital-only release and I was OK with that. Then when I started playing shows I realized had nothing to sell! So I decided to make some merch. I felt weird putting my name on a t-shirt so I had tote bags printed up. Tote bags! Stroke of genius! And this is how I learned that nobody wants tote bags from your idiosyncratic rock band, no matter how much they liked the songs.
The best thing people can do to support the musicians they like is to go to the shows, give honest feedback, and if you love the music then share that love. Nothing beats word of mouth recommendations. Like Sir Doug says: Be real, baby be real.
Matt Hutchison (Shattered Platter Publicity)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- David Holmes - Blind on a Galloping Horse (Heavenly Recordings)
- The Dead Brothers - Death Is Forever (Voodoo Rhythm Records)
- Don Cherry Trio - ORTF Recordings Paris 1971 (Caz Plak)
- Acid King - Beyond Vision (Blues Funeral Recordings)
- Nervous Jerk - Ugly Losers Club (Dust Up Records)
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Muslimgauze because he created such a visceral sound by incorporating Middle Eastern musical elements with
electronic music. He released 90 albums on 32 different record labels and only played 15 shows before dying young
at 37; the guy had been producing music his whole life.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
Same as last year, there are still some incredible bands and labels from outside America that a lot of the North American mainstream press are overlooking. Also, I’m stoked the Neighborhood Brats are back; they’re one of my favorite punk bands going.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
More pitches from Shattered Platter!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Hopefully, there will be a new release from Crisis Actor -- those guys are awesome and have one of the best drummers in punk rock right now. The Devils also announced a new album, so that should be interesting. Caz Plak is releasing another Don Cherry album, and that label puts serious thought and effort into the packaging concepts of their records. The biggest bummer of 2023 is the death of Kevin "Geordie" Walker; he was one of the best guitarists with an unmatched style. I hope Killing Joke releases some new recordings with him sometime next year. Also, I discovered a great author named Constance Debré, who has a new book coming out next March through Semiotexte. Her style is pretty punked out with street realism told in straightforward prose, but SHOULD a soundtrack ever be
planned to accompany this book release, I'm curious who'd appear on one given Debré's style.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy a ticket to the show, and take the guest list when it's offered. Buy a shirt or a record; gas is expensive, and no one’s getting rich here.
Matt Martinez (Common Wounds)

by Kindness Photo Co.
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Truth Cult - Walk the Wheel
- Great Falls - Objects Without Pain
- Panopticon - The Rime of Memory
- Jeromes Dream - The Gray In Between
- Body Stuff - Body Stuff 4
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Truth Cult. I found this band via a friend sending me a YouTube video. The music instantly connected with me, recalling the passion, energy and emotion of '90s post-hardcore/ emotional hardcore (think DC Hardcore, Ebullition Records). This nostalgia feeling was conveyed while presenting music that was still fresh and exciting. I went out of my way to catch them live, and they delivered everything that was captured in the recording. Their music inspires me and makes me hopeful for the future.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
For me, 2023 was year of inspiration, innovation and energy... especially when I think about heavy music.
Inspiration comes from newer and younger bands making their mark and doing things in their own unique way. Innovation comes from established bands releasing music that continues to challenge their audience's expectations. Energy comes from fans who amplify the passion that artists are attempting to convey.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Common Wounds is about to enter the studio to record our first full length LP. We are hoping for a mid-to-late year release.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I am looking forward to new music from Young Widows, Pissed Jeans, Leaving, Kal Marks and hopefully the final Hot Snakes record.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Fan involvement and presence is crucial...First and foremost GO TO SHOWS! Build your scene, drive your scene! Make zines, interview bands, take videos and photos at shows, book shows, start bands, share and advocate for the bands you find and love. These are all ways to ensure that touring, and live music in general, is still viable and have audiences.
Matt Martinez – social media links
- Instagram: @commonwounds
Michael Reisinger (Sleeping Giant Glossolalia)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
Fortunately, my favorite records this year were the ones we released on SGG (take a look at our Bandcamp site for examples), but outside of all that excellent work, I can say I was particularly moved by:
- FRKSE - Desecration Anxiety III
- Kleistwahr - For the Lives Once Lived
- ZULI - Digla Dive - Live
- Elvin Brandhi & Lord Spikeheart - Drunk in Love
- Human Inferno - To Piss Warm And Drink Cold
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Unglee Izi (maybe that was '22) and Elvin Brandhi have been recent discoveries that kind of blew my head apart in a good way. Catching TAQBIR live at Supersonic in the UK was eye opening.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
The year was spent working on many records and beginning and revisiting projects, working on music with dear friends in different parts of the world. Playing some shows with Avola and Ecology:HomeStones was a highlight. Catching many favorites like Hands Up Who Wants To Die and Oxbow multiple times, and getting to host them here in NYC.
My show attendance in general really ramped up after the pandemic-induced slowdown. Everything from the usual basement noise show to "big time" concerts I might have skipped in the past. Seeing longtime favorites like Codeine, Godflesh, and Depeche Mode in various cities was really memorable, as were the regularly occurring Abasement nights here in New York. All the inspiring work my friends and SGG extended family have been doing leaves a mark…and of course losing such unforgettable forces as Peter Brötzmann and Mark Stewart, for example. The good with the bad.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Recordings and live actions from several of my own projects (which have been neglected and left on back burners lately, ha) such as Whip Ordinance, Opening Bell, Eyes Have It, Final Boss and maybe one or two more if I can find the time...
The label also has a very exciting release schedule, with projects by beloved SGG alumni as well as longtime heroes of mine, some of whom have me pinching myself in disbelief. We have a really ambitious endeavor with Ecology:Homestones in the works as well...
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Ramleh, Drug Mountain meets The Upsetter, Leisure High (another Oxbow related project), Destructors Club (fans of The Pop Group & Scientist should keep an ear out), Brown Angel, Second Rope, Masaaki, so many more...
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Keeping in mind that many of the artists and labels whose work you admire and enjoy are probably scared shitless of having to stop due to financial uncertainty, buying from them directly makes a big difference. Relying on streaming services may be convenient, but that only limits overall access to all of the great, lesser-known music out there. Spreading the word about the shows you're going to and what
records you're loving is a great way to show support, too!
Michael Reisinger – social media links
- Instagram: @sgglossolalia
Nick Hertzberg (Wet Cassettes)
Billy on the left and Nick on the right of Wet Cassettes
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- END - The Sin of Human Frailty
- Stenched - Gorging on Mephitic Rot
- Year of the Knife - No Love Lost
- Leg Yield - Engine Check
- Dead Times - Dead Times
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Although it's not like I never heard of them before this year, I never gave them the time they deserved: Chuck Schuldiner's DEATH. I have this thing where I am (typically) averse to stuff that other people like or talk about. It could be an ego tick. If so many people talk about it, it can't be good. I don't know. I probably gotta work that out, but DEATH was one of those bands. You couldn't listen to heavy music and not know who they were, but because they were so talked about and praised, I never wanted to dive in, and this year I did. It also helped that there's a documentary and that Relapse reissued so much of their catalog over the past couple of years. I love that you can hear and see stuff like rehearsal audio, demos, and more. Getting to touch and feel the building blocks of a band is so important to me. I think it impacted me because I see myself in Chuck, for better or worse. The need to control projects, the stubbornness, the singularity. While we know that mindset can pay off artistically -- you also need to make adjustments and check yourself before you wreck yourself and become alone or dead.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I'll remember 2023 as a year in music that was nostalgic from a listening standpoint and quite puzzling for the industry. I spent most of the year diving into death metal, screamo/emo-violence, and mosh-metal, along with many albums that I used to listen to when I was younger. Rediscovering bands like Fromasecondstorywindow, Found Dead Hanging, or Anapparatus reminded me why I love newer bands, like some of the ones found in my top five. Someone at work recently quoted a motivational speaker to me, saying, "There's no value in looking back." To which I rebutted, "But what about all of the remakes, nostalgia buys, and reunions?" It's definitely something to consider: why we return to things from 20 years ago.
Oh, and puzzling because of the whole Bandcamp fiasco (where will we go? AmpWall?) and Spotify cutting royalties altogether for smaller artists. Most people love to post their yearly wrap-up the day it comes out but don't like to support their friend's endeavors or are completely blind to that side of things. Bands and labels like mine rarely think we're going to make a living off of this -- I do it for the sake of doing it -- but making enough to cover my distribution costs yearly would be nice.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
In February, my wife and I are expecting our first child: a baby girl! So the record label releases will take a bit of a backseat starting in the new year while I figure out how to be a dad. I am sure I will find time to listen to new music weekly and will hack away at the tens of musical projects I have sitting around that need finishing touches (vocalists - get in touch!), but yeah, things will probably slow down a bit -- for the better!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Oof, not sure. So many of the albums I love are ones I stumble upon without knowing they existed or were released very suddenly. What's a formal PR and marketing plan for a heavy album in this day and age, anyway? While they have some stuff coming before the end of the year, if history serves us, I am sure we will get new stuff from Full of Hell and The Body before the end of 2024 - and they are always worth looking forward to.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
From my perspective, I wouldn't say that physical media sales are necessarily less popular -- they do quite well, as long as they are specialized. Limited editions of records from all sorts of labels are selling out in a matter of minutes from artists every day. For instance, we are a small fish, but Wet Cassettes released an album by our horror-synth project, Night Gospel, last year. The limited edition version was housed inside a carved-out bible and paired with a "vampire hunting kit," and sold out in minutes. Our fastest album sales ever. The standard edition? I still have copies...for cheap...if you want it. Not to mention, various heavy-music-adjacent outlets are co-releasing limited record variants now, too (like Decibel, Brooklyn Vegan, etc.), so there has to be some financial incentive for them to want to get involved.
With that said, going to see your favorite bands live is important (remember during COVID when we thought we'd never have live music again!?), but also beware of the physical merch cuts some venues take, which many artists haven't been shy about calling out. Even though it seems like every record is $28 and every shirt is $35 now, if you love the band, buy it. If you just like them, shout them out on social media -- you might have your message seen by someone else (like me) who is constantly absorbing new music, and they might buy it.
Nick Hertzberg – social media links
- Instagram: @wetcassettes
Rev (The Drowns)

photo by Thomas Mitchell
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Cyanide Pills - Soundtrack To The New Cold War
- Crim - Cançons de Mort
- Bruise Control - Useless For Something.
- Crown Court - Heavy Manners
- Tess & The Details - Runaway
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
We went on a UK Tour with Bruise Control, and they blew my mind. They’re mixture of styles, but a modern and relieving new take on Rock & Roll. Great, great guys too.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
Musically it was a bit of a blur. We were on tour so much this year that I didn’t get to fully invest time in to albums as I used too. But I did rely on older albums that I love to help get me through it.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I’m crossing my fingers for a new Viagra Boys album, and I’m stoked to hopefully hear the new Cock Sparrer soon!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Buy shirts, but vinyl, stream the shit out of it, and SING ALONG!
Rev – social media links
- Instagram: @thedrowns
Rob Good (The Goods)

photo by Corey Poluk
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- The 1981 - Move On
- The Beatles Red Album and Blue Album remixes
- Autogramm - Music That Humans Can Play
- Diners - DOMINO
- Seablite - Lemon Lights
Sorry not sorry if including The Beatles is cheating!
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
The 1981 released their debut full-length this year and it is criminally overlooked and underappreciated. It's brilliantly written, arranged, and produced, and more people need to hear it! The fact that records like this are being self-produced under the radar right here in Oakland is incredibly inspiring.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
We released our very first EP this year, so it was a very special year for us. It was a year of creative highs and rediscovering my love for songwriting, as well as rediscovering and re-examining some old favorites, and looking forward to the future.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We're hard at work on our first full-length record right now and it will be out in 2024!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I have it on good authority that the next Yea-Ming and the Rumours record is going to be absolutely brilliant. Keep an eye out for anything Dandy Boy Records is putting out because the label is impeccably curated and the Bay Area music scene is full of great bands and artists right now.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Coming to the shows at all is the best way to support, but pick up a copy of the record if you're so inclined, and listen on streaming if you're so inclined! Making music is fundamentally a labor of love, so just knowing that others enjoy it is all the support we need.
Rob Good – social media links
- Twitter: @the_goods_music
- Instagram: @the_goods_music
Sam Russo

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Chris Cresswell - The Stubbornness of the Young
- Tightwire - Head Full of Snakes
- The Bollweevils - Essential
- The Gaslight Anthem - History Books
- boygenius - the record
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Chloe Hawes is fucking great. I’ve been listening to I Am The Avalanche on repeat for months, too.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
A great tour with No Trigger, an equally wonderful tour with Vinnie Caruana (he owes me 50 grand), playing some great full band shows, and putting out a beautiful little Christmas 7’’ with my friends. It has Katie Black on sax which is a huge honour. I’m very grateful to have ended another year still touring, recording, having fun, and riding high in the dirty business of dreams!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Full band shows, hopefully some US, Canada, and European shows, maybe a release...
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I don’t know when the new Alkaline Trio drops but I can’t wait for that. I bet there will be a new Brendan Kelly album too…
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Haha, what a bummer question. If people want to support live music, just show up! We love that. Can’t ask for more than people being there.
Shahab Zargari (GC Records)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Shonen Knife - Our Best Place
- Alternative - If They Treat You Like Shit Act Like Manure vinyl repress
- Teenage Bottlerocket - So Dumb/So Stoked
- Andre 3000 - New Blue Sun
- Mercy Music - What You Stand to Lose
Honorable mention: Shayna Rain - The First Takes
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Los Bitchos.
A friend sent me their album to listen to after she got home from their concert, and I've been hooked ever since. For fans of instrumental jams. Think Khruangbin but without the inflated egos, and cumbia instead of funky soul.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
A strange year, indeed. It was memorable in that my solo album was the first exclusive stream on the Scene Point Blank website for 2023, and I'm forever grateful. I recently unleashed the songs at the Desert Biennial Art gathering 45 minutes outside of Las Vegas as a part of the outdoor event. It's the album that keeps on giving!
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Early in 2024 we will be releasing vinyl of music that was originally only released on CD 15 years ago by the band Holding Onto Sound from their recording session with Sub Pop engineer Ben Kirsten. The album will be a fundraiser and you can find details early next year at
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
See number my answer to number 4!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
The best way to support musicians is by going to the shows and buying what merch you can. You can also use their songs in the background of your TikToks, and tell as many like-minded folks about them as possible. Even if you think your friends have already heard of them, do it anyway! For musicians to get into the right headspace to urge fans to go to your shows and buy your merch, the best article I've seen in a while is "We Should Be More Like Vinyl" by the legendary Liz Ohanesian.
Shauners (Middle-Aged Queers)

photo by Arthur Wernham
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Ostraca - Disaster
- Svetlanas - Alien Blues
- The Iron Roses - Iron Roses
- Darkpark Dissidents. - Pink & Black Album
- Hickey - From the Depths
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Loud Graves! Members of The Applicators, Tsunami Bomb, and The Hammerbombs. I'm somewhat biased because they're friends, but they are somehow filling the void that Dear Landlord left in my heart. Remember Dear Landlord? What a great band. I'm not exactly saying that they sound exactly like Dear Landlord per se, but the songs are hitting me in the same way.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
The year everyone realized that they're not actually listening to all the vinyl records they bought.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We have a split 12" coming out with Raging Nathans in 2024 on DCxPC records!
We're heading back into the studio in late December 2023 to finish up what will be our third album. Tentatively titled, Theatre of Shame.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Speaking of DCxPC records, Ninety Pound Wuss (Yes, THAT Ninety Pound Wuss) has a live album coming out that was recorded at the show we played with them in Washington over the summer. It was a terrific set; I'm looking forward to hearing it again!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Firstly: Actually come to a live show! Attendance is still nowhere near where it was pre-pandemic. I know we all got a little older and discovered that we enjoy wearing sweatpants but the scene right now is so good!
As far as buying stuff at the merch table is concerned, records are cool. I still listen to records. I love the ritual of having a new record and putting the needle onto the vinyl. But it's not very convenient. The markup is not terribly great for bands either. T-shirt are fine but if you're over the age of 35 (which most of us are these days, hahaha, we're all getting old!) you probably have enough black t-shirts with band logos on them to last us several lifetimes.
Recently, I've just been handing touring bands a $20 bill. I liked their set, I don't need another t-shirt, odds are I will probably only stream their music in my car. I like to think of it as buying all the streams I will eventually listen to.
Shauners – social media links
- Twitter: @middleagedquers
- Instagram: @middleagedqueers
Speaking as a radically evolved hivemind (Heart & Lung)

photo by Andrew Wells
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Pkew Pkew Pkew - Siiick Days
- Fiddlehead - Death Is Nothing To Us
- Gumm - Slogan Machine
- Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable
- Janelle Monáe - Age of Pleasure
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Blue Öyster Cult! "Burnin' For You" is an amazing riff and we're going to cover it at the beginning of our set from now on.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
2023 was the year of broken bass amps (2), broken ankles (1), broken windows (2), broken kick pedals (1), and broken strings (???).
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Even though we said this last can look forward to new songs from us. Dumber, faster and more opinionated than ever before.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
We've been performing a magic ritual after every band practice with the goal of summoning a new Japandroids record. Fingers crossed!
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Request a song! For years there's only been one dude that regularly requests songs and we love him for it. We try to play whatever he asks for if we have enough time to prepare. We're very mean to ourselves so when we see someone earnestly enjoying the music, it's a great reminder of why we play music at all. I some merch too, but we can't sell enough shirts for us to quit our day jobs, so we'll settle for knowing you actually like our silly little songs.
Speaking as a radically evolved hivemind – social media links
- Instagram: @heartandlung
Teddy Panopoulos (Dead Waves)

photo by Ursula Sommer
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Earth - Earth 2.23 Special Lower Frequency Mix
- Bardo Pond - Bardo Pond Vol. 3
- Body Stuff - Body Stuff 4
Not that I’m a fan of remasters, but the 2023 Cherubs’ Icing and PJ Harvey’s I Inside the Old Year Dying.
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Hayden Thompson and Cliff Carlisle, when their slower more vulnerable songs like “16.88” and “Seven Years With the Wrong Woman,” “Memories That Haunt Me” resonate with me more than their other songs.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
It wasn’t a very active year in music for me personally regarding discovering new music that I liked, although a couple of bands I really like released stuff that I personally liked and went to a couple of shows. But more importantly, overall it felt like everyone was back at it, getting to work on their creative passions, getting to work. We created our single and starting to book shows again. So, to me, how would
I remember 2023 in terms of music would be getting back on the grind.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Definitely another single or EP, and hitting the road, more live shows.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I’m sure, releases from my same favorite bands who are still active.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
If they really want to support us, come to our shows and also buy anything tangible and physical that would be memorable and mean something to them from our merch table.
Teddy Panopoulos – social media links
- Instagram: @deadwavesband
Terence Hannum (Locrian / The Holy Circle)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Tim Hecker - No Highs
- Bowery Electric - s/t (reissue)
- Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit
- Charlie Megira and the Hefker Girl - s/t (reissue)
- Slowdive - Everything is Alive
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
The December Sound: I co-organize a radio show and event night in Baltimore called DreamGaze with my wife Erica and bandmate Rob from The Holy Circle and it's based around shoegaze. One of our guests, Jake Reid (screen vinyl image, alcian blue, secret wilderness) shared a track on the radio show and I really dug what I heard, an interesting take on shoegaze and psychedelia. He brought me the 2xLP one day and I was so grateful. Check out their self-titled (Silver) album.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
It almost feels back to normal, but honestly it feels like something is slipping. Watching Bandcamp slowly slide out of relevance, venues still struggling and, at least in my area, shutting down -- it's weird. I mean, record releasing is the same, it's just live performances are almost back. I saw some great shows this year too: They Are Gutting A Body of Water, Fulci, Ceremony East Coast, Bell Witch, Dead Leaf Echo, Godflesh, Chameleons, Matmos, Shredded Nerve, Tombs, Obituary, Blood Incantation, Cerebral Rot and many more.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
There is a new LP completed from Locrian coming out early in 2024 on Profound Lore. I also wrote a collection of short speculative fiction that has some tie-ins with the album. Although we just released an EP in December, committing the big no-no of music but its out now.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
I'm excited about the Sonic Youth reissue of Walls Have Years, those were floating around when I was a teen in the '90s and then it was gone. Also new Eartheater is always good, VMP The Story of Memphis Rap 11LP box set is awesome -- those cassettes were legendary and weirder than you remember.
Honestly though, I am just excited to get this new Locrian out, some of these tracks we've been working on for 7 years or so, and it is so nice to share them.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Well, if they're at the show they probably did the best thing they could do. Go see live music. If you can afford it buy something from the band, and try and get something from the openers. It means more than you know.
Terence Hannum – social media links
- Twitter: @locrianofficial
- Instagram: @holycircleband
The Ape-Ettes

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Strange Attractor – Good Boy Bad Boy
- Home Front – Games Of Power
- Snõõper – Super Snõõper
- The Retail Simps – Live on Cool Street
- Pelada – Ahora Más Que Nunca
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Roland Cristal. He brings back that early techno rave vibe delivered with funny lyrics -- music that makes you wanna get up and go exercise.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
Live music shows are back, festivals are back, fans are attending in full force. It was a great year for live music.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
We have a new 45 in the works with some really cool labels. Stay tuned!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Nothing in particular, but something that will blow my mind.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Go to the shows, talk to the bands, buy their merch, share their social media and tell your friends!
The Ape-Ettes – social media links
- Instagram: @theape_ettes
To Live A Lie Records

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Deliriant Nerve - Contaminated Conscience LP (Malokul)
- World Peace - It Is Written LP (Twelve Gauge)
- Suppression with Bastard Noise - Infernal Legions (Anthems of the Undesirable)
- Shitstorm - Only In Dade LP (Malokul)
- Brain Tourniquet - An Expression in Pain LP (Iron Lung)
Honorable mentions - Gel LP (Convulse), Sea of Shit LP (Nerve Altar), Speed Plans LP (Iron Lung), Electric Chair LP (Iron Lung)
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I rediscovered Hum in 2023 which I know doesn't line up with the above list of top five albums, but I love music that straddles lines and the heavy but delicate sound of their last album really resonated with me. Blending genres is a really risky thing for bands to do and I think they've done the heavy shoegaze for so long that making an album after all the years really showed how they matured into that sound.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I think 2023 was the evening back out of everything post-pandemic. As a label I've never sold as much stuff in my entire life in 2021 and 2022 and I think 2022 was the start of a return to normalcy with stores and major labels. DIY had its time in the sun with major labels holding releases and now we have to get back to the hustle. I'd hope people saw how competent underground music is and stick to it.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
I have some records at the plant and on the way to the plant that I haven't announced, so stay tuned for a major full-length by an amazing powerviolence band that has been around since the '90s, a first time on vinyl '90s NC metalcore release, and a killer LP by Oregon's Dry Socket.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
The Undying LP represses didn't seem to come out this year so I'm looking forward to that in 2024. I grew up seeing them and had the vague possibility to fill in as bass player for their Euro tour in 2004, I think, but that clearly didn't pan out.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
I mean, obviously going to see them in the first place and telling your friends to come out is a huge step. Recording the band and posting on social media is helpful. Buying merch goes directly to the band fund and is huge. Talking to the band and making connections. DIY is about taking what you like in life and applying it to shows -- interviewing the band for a podcast, or taking photos for a photo zine for instance.
Travis & Jack (Fat Heaven)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Codefendants - This is Crimewave
- Rancid - Tomorrow Never Comes
- The Bouncing Souls - Ten Stories High
- Mustard Plug - Where Did All My Friends Go?
- The Young Rochelles - Kicked to the Curb
- Heatmiser - The Music of Heatmiser
- Rancid - Tomorrow Never Comes
- Superbloom - Life’s a Blur
- Slugwater - In My Way
- Cop/Out - All Together Now
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
Shout out to my buddy Shi from Scarboro for telling me to check out Codefendants. This is Crimewave effortlessly blended genres while also kinda evolving punk to 2023. The album was thematically profound and Fat Mike’s production inspires creativity.
I recently checked out Billy Idol’s band Generation X and really got into their record Kiss Me Deadly. Of course, I had heard "Dancing With Myself" already, but there are some really good tracks on that record that nobody ever talks about. Incredible musicianship.
I also really got into Danny Brown & JPEGMafia’s record, Stop Scaring the Hoes. I love how they manipulate sound and aren’t afraid of fucking shit up. Hearing people take a bunch of fucked up sounds and create something rowdy and awesome is really inspiring to me and makes me want to push my own boundaries as an artist and engineer.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I’ll remember 2023 as the year I got the opportunity to see and meet so many rad bands. Between Pouzza Fest, Camp Punksylvania, and FEST 21; there’s so many sick bands I got to see. Off the top of my head; Goodfriend, The Dreaded Laramie, ÅSMR, The Jasons. I can keep going.
Musically speaking, 2023 felt like a lot of people were pushing themselves to think out of the box, which is a great thing. We need more of that kind of energy in the world. I think everyone is getting tired of business as usual.
In terms of Fat Heaven, I will remember 2023 as the year we got our groove back. This year gave us a new lease on life. With the release of our album Trash Life on Sell the Heart Records, we finally resumed touring. We were able to play a bunch of new cities and be a part of some great festivals. We even got to join in some some sick compilations! I’m very happy with everything we’ve accomplished this year.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Got a big ass folder of demos right now that I couldn’t be more stoked about.
You can look forward to us being another year wiser. We have some incredible stuff in the works and have no intentions slowing down. We are gonna ride this wave cowabunga style. New music. New cities. West Coast? Call your local representative. Tell them you want Fat Heaven and you want them NOW!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Jack & Travis:
Green Day - Saviors
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
Singalong with us! We don’t want your money. We want your soul. Give us your energy. We feed off of your enthusiasm. Make us feel special. Buy us dinner. Take us to the movies.
Do the Woahs.
Travis & Jack – social media links
- Instagram: @@fatheavenband
Trevor Shelley de Brauw (Pelican)

photo via Bandcamp
What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- FACS - Still Life in Decay
- Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit
- billy woods & Kenny Segal - Maps
- Big|Brave - nature morte
- The Necks - Travel
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
An album played a ton this year was A Murmur, Boundless to the East by the Canadian group you doo right. It’s just from last year, but I’d missed it until a few months ago. It’s a really satisfying convergence of different aesthetics I really enjoy while not really being analogous to anything else. It’s very energizing and soothing music and I found it quite useful.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
I feel like this year just blew by and I was way more invested in a small handful of records than my usual consumption mode of taking in as much of everything as I can all the time, so I’m sure I missed a lot.
A couple notables that stick out: Taylor Swift assuming absolute and complete control of the music industry with three hit albums, a record-breaking self-distributed concert movie, and even an old song of hers randomly topping the charts four years after its release. I am determined to stay on her good side.
And -- as someone who’s followed Julien Baker since her debut album -- what an unpredictable thrill to see her ascend to the echelon of bona fide arena rock star.
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Pelican are deep into writing a new record. With turnaround times on albums being what they are I don’t know if that’ll be a 2024 thing, but we’re definitely looking forward to recording new music and playing some shows that highlight all the writing we’ve been doing.
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
We just did five shows with Uniform and they were opening their sets with a new song that is an absolute crusher. I CANNOT wait until they drop a recording of it.
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
The obvious one is buying merch. Profit margins are much higher on shirts than records, so bear that in mind. It’s also really helpful to bands and promoters when folks buy tickets in advance.
Trevor Shelley de Brauw – social media links
- Instagram: @trevordebrauw
Ty Vaughn (Broadway Calls)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2023? (In order 1-5)
- Menzingers - Some Of It Was True
- Militarie Gun - Life Under The Gun
- Chris Cresswell - Stubbornness Of The Young
- Spiritual Cramp - s/t
- GEL - Only Constant
What band did you discover in 2023 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? How so?
I listened to the Pixies a lot more in 2023 than ever before. Killer guitar work and layers in that band.
How will you remember 2023 (in terms of music)?
Putting out some killer singles we’re proud of. Making videos. Blocking the psychos. Embracing the lovers. Getting healthy and relearning how to approach songwriting. I think 2023 will be remembered as the year we really started to work together as a band at peak positivity and creativity. Also it was so cool to collaborate with my best friend of 30+ years, Danny Hoover on “Dead Before I Hit The Ground.”
What can we look forward to from you in 2024?
Don’t think I can talk about it as of this press release? Don’t wanna mess things up for Toby/Red Scare, haha, but you will hear new Broadway Calls very soon! Also, tour with Teenage Bottlerocket in the Southeast in February!
What records are you looking forward to most in 2024?
Morrissey - Bonfire Of The Teenagers
With physical media sales seemingly less popular than ever, what are some the best ways that fans can help to support the musicians when they go to a live show?
If you’re talking financially, buy a shirt. If you’re talking emotionally, just be happy to be there. Don’t be a bummer. Please remember that if you buy a ticket to a show, that the artist doesn’t owe you anything except a live performance. People have become very weird with their para-social relationships to artists in the past few years. I promise we’ve never looked back on a show with fondness because of merch sales, it’s always been about the vibes and good times. Don’t be scared to rock out. Don’t be scared to ask for songs or hugs or whatever, but just be cool.
Ty Vaughn – social media links
- Twitter: @broadwaycalls
- Instagram: @broadwaycalls