Spiderghost Pressgang/Grace Alley (Sammy Winston)
What are your top five albums that were released in 2008?
- Trash Talk - Trash Talk
- Ceremony - Still Nothing Moves You
- Hunter S. Thompson - The Gonzo Tapes
- Skin Like Iron - all the random things they released
- WAR- Greatest Hits Live (I saw them on this tour and it was fantastic)
What band did you discover in 2008 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?
I have known about Trash Talk since the start, but this year they really impressed me with both their full-length and their character as people. I spent a few days on the road with them and was reminded of what it's all about. I also went through a heavy Crooked Fingers phase this year, which culminated with seeing them play in Frisco. That band is sacred to me now.
How will you remember 2008? (In terms of music)
A great time for Northern California. I can't think of another year where we've had such an abundance of great bands doing really interesting things. And they've taken it to a global level, touring Europe and signing to bigger labels. The world finally began to recognize how awesome our thing is.
Vinyl record sales saw a significant increase this year while hard copy sales continued to dwindle. Is this a return to the glory days for vinyl or just a phase? Explain.
I think it is a result of two things. Hardcore kids and other underground music scenes have always preferred the vinyl format and they are specifically the type of people who will steal music from the Internet rather than pay the exorbitant cost of CDs. But I work in a record store and can assure you that pop and rock and rap fans, mainstream types, still drop plenty of hard cash money on CDs.
What was the most memorable moment for you in 2008? (Can be in terms of anything)
Probably Sound And Fury Festival. Kind of a weak hardcore kid answer, but true. It was a big step for Spiderghost to go down there and have a table. The response from the kids to our stuff was really surprising and encouraging. Plus, the parking lot scene (especially amongst the Norcal contingent) was the very definition of good times.
What can we look forward to from you in 2009?
Hopefully, more good things from Spiderghost. And I hope to get a few more people to hear Grace Alley. I am working on a second collection of short stories. I'm excited for 2009. The stage has been set, from our little hardcore scene with the success of its many bands to the political climate of the country after the election of Obama, for some intriguing times ahead of us. It reminds me of how interesting America got after we pulled ourselves out of the swampy muck of the Reagan/Bush 80's and set ourselves upon the shimmering shores of the Clinton 90's.
What three records are you looking forward to most in 2009?
Anything that Sabertooth Zombie releases. New things from A.F.I. and Rancid, both being patron saints of Norcal. MIND, a great new band featuring members of Never Healed and Streetwalkers.