Feature / Music
Pass The Mic: Record Labels and Artists on 2011

January 2, 2012

Pass The Mic: Record Labels and Artists on 2011
Pass The Mic: Record Labels and Artists on 2011

G. Thérèse Lanz (Mares of Thrace)

What are your top five albums that were released in 2011? (in order 1-5)

Oh boy.

  1. Yob: Atma. This band is unstoppable. I wasn't sure how they were going to top The Great Cessation, but brother, they did. Also I got to see them live at SXSW, and their performance was, if I can borrow a totally pretentious journalist word, incendiary. I hope all the MGD-swilling shlubs who catch them on tour with Tool realize how lucky they are to be witnessing it. 
  2. Russian Circles: Empros. This is the record that's going to prove to all my jerk friends who aren't into Russian Circles that they should really be into Russian Circles. While prior outings were soundscapey, pretty, twinkly etc, this one is a savage, dystopian earfuck. And yet they wear it just as well, maybe even better.
  3. Fucked Up: David Comes to Life. This is one of those records that makes me think all humans should stop making records. You know, go out on a high note. 
  4. Today is the Day: Pain Is A Warning. The funny thing is that they're one of the most seminal bands in the circles I roll in, and this is the FIRST record of theirs that ever really blew my skirt up.
  5. Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials. I love Florence, shut the fuck up.
What band did you discover in 2011 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?

Lozen, a two-piece from Seattle (feat. a member of Helms Alee, by the way), was my discovery of the year. As Mares of Thrace is a two-piece, I'm constantly keeping my eye on people who push the boundaries of what two people with loud instruments can do. Lozen makes us look lazy. They're incredible.

How will you remember 2011 (in terms of music)?

Unfortunately I'll remember 2011 as the high-water mark of broken amps, broken van parts, and recurrent illnesses on tour.

What can we look forward to from you in 2012?

Our new record will be coming out in 2012. I think it whups the first one's ass, but everyone always says that. Also, Lord Quetzalcoatl will cleanse the earth with holy flame and raise the faithful to His celestial kingdom, or some horseshit like that.

What records are you looking forward to most in 2012?

Three-way tie: Alcest, Blut Aus Nord and I keep hearing rumours of a new Gorguts.

What did you expect to be huge in 2011 which never made it?

How come more people aren't making a big deal about Altar of Plagues? That's what I want to know.

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— words by the SPB team • January 2, 2012

Pass The Mic: Record Labels and Artists on 2011
Pass The Mic: Record Labels and Artists on 2011

Pages in this feature

  1. Opening page
  2. Aidan Baker (Nadja)
  3. Alex Hughes (Hatred Surge)
  4. Amy Oden (formerly of Hot Mess, producer/director of From the Back of the Room)
  5. Andre (Locrian & Land of Decay)
  6. Andrew Nolan (Column of Heaven)
  7. Andy Nelson (Paint It Black / Ceremony / Puerto Rico Flowers / TV Casualty)
  8. Andy Wounds (Abraxis / Clorox Bong)
  9. Aquatic Son (Midwest Konnect / Sway Heavy Records)
  10. BJ (Ancient Shores)
  11. Bobby Hussy (The Hussy / Kind Turkey Records / Bad Omens)
  12. Brendan Kelly (Lawrence Arms / The Falcon / Brendan Kelly and the Wandering Birds)
  13. Brian Elza (Czar)
  14. Chris (Caulfield)
  15. Chris Brock (Early Graves / The Funeral Pyre)
  16. Chris Matulich (Nothington)
  18. Curtis Grimstead (Rorschach Records / Best Friends Day)
  19. Daniel (Vestiges)
  20. Dave Drobach (Grabass Charlestons / No Idea Records Production Manager)
  21. Domenic Romeo (A389 Recordings / Pulling Teeth / Hatewaves)
  22. Eric Solomon (O Pioneers!!! / Black Clouds)
  23. Ethan McCarthy (Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire (CTTTOAFF))
  24. Franz Nicolay
  25. G. Thérèse Lanz (Mares of Thrace)
  26. Give Up (Artist / Horders / Sisster Sounds Records)
  27. Jacob Parmentier (Abernathy Designs)
  28. Jamie (Fist In The Air Records)
  29. Jamie Grimes (Drainland / stressball in chief at Suburban Mayhem Records)
  30. Johannes, Ole and Jonas (Heksed)
  31. Jonathan and Kimmi Ashwell (Flannel Gurl Records)
  32. Josh (Expire)
  33. Justin Smith (Vitriol Records / Graf Orlock / Dangers Ghostlimb)
  34. Kevin Beacham (Social Media Manager / Music Buyer / Rhymesayers / Fifth Element / DJ)
  35. Lasse (Dead Section Records)
  36. Matt Fox (Shai Hulud)
  37. Michael Britten, Music Ruins Lives
  38. Mike (Gehenna / The Lesser Key / Devil / Sangraal / Mother Fucking Titty Suckers, etc)
  39. Mike Riley (Pulling Teeth / Firestarter Records / Toxic Pop Records)
  40. Mustafa Daka (The Brokedowns / Vicelords / Los Muchachos Dos Hombres)
  41. Nate Gangelhoff (Banner Pilot / Gateway District)
  42. Nick Johnson (Banner Pilot)
  43. P.O.I. (Rot In Hell)
  44. Patrick Eaton (Old Problems)
  45. Paul Sunderland (Give Praise Records)
  46. Rennie Resmini (Starkweather)
  47. Roo Pescod (Bangers)
  48. Taylor Young (Twitching Tongues / Nails / Young Bros Recordings)
  49. The Dwarves (Greedy Media)
  50. Thom Wasluck / Planning For Burial / Music Ruins Lives
  51. Tim Browne (Elway)
  52. Tobias Jeg (Red Scare Industries)
  53. Todd Congelliere (Recess Records / Toys That Kill / Underground Railroad to Candyland / Stoned At Heart)
  54. Topon Das (Fuck The Facts)
  55. Vince Conriquez & William Cutts (Low Places)
  56. Vinnie Fiorello (Less Than Jake / Paper + Plastick Records)

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