Feature / Music / Year End 2015
Pass The Mic: Record Labels on 2015

December 21, 2015

Pass The Mic: Record Labels on 2015
Pass The Mic: Record Labels on 2015

Brent Eyestone (Magic Bullet Records, Bleach Everything-vocals)

1. What are your top five albums that were released in 2015? (In order 1-5)

  1. Noel Gallagher - Chasing Yesterday
  2. Nothing - Guilty of Everything
  3. Tau Cross - s/t
  4. Ryan Adams - Live at Carnegie Hall (6xLP edition because it features an acoustic version of “Rats in the Wall”)
  5. Torche - Restarter

2. What band did you discover in 2015 (can be a brand new band or an older band) that had an impact on your life? What made them significant?

I finally got around to listening to Nothing. I was never averse to it, it was just a matter of finding time to check out what they’d done. I remember when Nicky was in legal trouble and had to go away, so to hear how he re-emerged and found his footing again via sound was super powerful to experience. I’m also super into the political aspect of the band. They put money where their beliefs are, which is more punk than most of the punk bands I listened to my whole life.

3. How will you remember 2015? (In terms of music)

2015 was a year that I really challenged myself output-wise. I think we did 20 new releases and reissues on top of all the regular represses of the various titles. That’s on top of (and sometimes overlapping) the albums I played on and material I worked on with other this year. It was a lot of work! Outside of our corner of the world, 2015 seemed to be a good mix of older bands and newer bands going out and experiencing a lot of support from live audiences. I don’t recall too many people complaining about live show attendance this year, so that’s been great. I’m sure there’s so much music from 2015 that I won’t catch up on until later years, so I’m looking forward to finding out what I missed and writing it down for later.

4. What can we look forward to from you in 2016?

  • Power Trip + Integrity split 12” + digital
  • Integrity - Those Who fear Tomorrow remastered digital + CD
  • RLYR - Delayer LP + digital (mem. of Pelican and Locrian)
  • The Infamous Gehenna + Bleach Everything - Heavy Metal Suicide 7” + Digital
  • Bleach Everything - The End of Everything Good LP + Digital
  • Christie Front Drive - “4010” b/w “Away” 7” reissue
  • Coliseum + Doomriders - split 7”

5. What records are you looking forward to most in 2016?

Power Trip’s next LP on Southern Lord. Sorry, but that’s the only record I’m insanely giddy for. I’ve said it before: if this band was around in ’83, you’re talking about “The Big Five” and not “The Big Four” when it comes to thrash metal.

6. How relevant is the physical format record/cd/tape in 2015 and going into 2016? What do you see changing in terms of physical vs. digital discussions?

I don’t worry as much as others might when it comes to streaming and downloads. We do great in those areas since our output is so diverse. On the physical end, I’ve got the same philosophy and approach we’ve always had: just make something you’d actually want to own yourself. You can’t expect people to buy a CD or an LP if it’s not exciting or above and beyond what’s expected of each format. Also, I think it’s really important that, no matter what the format, the music itself has to be truly great these days. There’s such a glut out there that, as a label, you really shouldn’t be doing things as favors or just putting things out to have something out. I’ve been guilty of both at various points in the past, but I think it’s important to be way more discerning as a record label in 2016. It’s for the betterment of everybody and will hopefully cut down on the sheer amount of clutter to sift through.

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— words by the SPB team • December 21, 2015

Main intro image by Hani Amir

Pass The Mic: Record Labels on 2015
Pass The Mic: Record Labels on 2015

Pages in this feature

  1. Opening page
  2. Andrew Horne (Specialist Subject Records/Bangers)
  3. Brent Eyestone (Magic Bullet Records, Bleach Everything-vocals)
  4. Chris Mason (Dirt Cult Records, Low Culture)
  5. Cory Von Bohlen (Halo of Flies Records)
  6. Mike Riley (Toxic Pop Records)
  7. Wells Tipley (86'd Records)
  8. Will Butler (To Live a Lie Records)
  9. Michael Phillips (Escapist Records)
  10. Tobias Jeg (Red Scare Industries)

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