It's that happy time again:
Finally, it's here. After months of development and careful planning by SPB staff, the 2006 Year End feature is finally available. Read on with bated breath as you discover Scene Point Blank's top 30 records of 2006.
In the meantime, enjoy some helpful graphs which illustrate the statistics for this year's list.
- The SPB team
Scene Point Blank's Nominations
This graph illustrates the number of records we've featured in our staff lists. The first bar represents the initial number of possible records for nomination this year, assembled by staff. The third bar represents the number of these records actually nominated in our staff lists. The middle bar is the same statistic but for last year's feature.
Records Not Reviewed In Top 30
If you need this graph to be explained then perhaps you should just skip ahead to the actual results. Essentially, this represents the number of records that made it onto SPB's top 30 that were not reviewed by us that year.
Most Featured Labels In Top 30
This delicious-looking pie chart shows the top 10 record labels whose releases were featured in our individual staff lists. Bear in mind that this chart only represents the top 10 highest occuring labels, so it's not a fact that 14.69% of our staff's top 25s were Epitaph bands.
Hopefully the graphs will have whetted your appetite for the main course: The Scene Point Blank Top 30 Records of 2006. Head onto the next page for the final list!