Quite literally, a one question interview. Also known as 1QIs, we post these first to our social media on a near-daily basis, with the archival piece here. Check 'em out.
Derek (Sneeze)
SPB: What do you parents think of your music?
Derek: Honestly, both of my parents love Sneeze much much more than my older bands, haha. They're finally happy I'm in a band that doesn't just "scream bloody murder." Sometimes they're a little iffy on the lyrics ‘cause now they know I do drugs, drink excessively, smoke, …
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Mike McColgan (Street Dogs, FM359)
SPB: How much space in your home is dedicated to music storage (instruments or records)?
McColgan: One entire room in my house is dedicated to all of the vinyl, CDs, instruments, stereo equipment, posters, flyers etc. that I own.
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Naoko (Shonen Knife)
SPB: What is your favorite Ramones song?
Naoko: It’s impossible to choose one song. I like all Ramones songs.
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Joe Holland (Sex Rays, Violent Shifters)
SPB: Do you wear earplugs when you play? Why/why not?.
Holland: I almost always wear hearing protection at rehearsals, shooting range style "ear muffs" are the best, in my opinion. In most cases I do wear earplugs when I go to shows as a spectator, especially if the band is not "worth" …
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Clay Reed (Subsonics)
SPB: It seems that the hyphenated genre "garage-punk" keeps popping up more and more. What do you think of the term?
Reed: The term garage-punk...is as meaningless and subjective as all genre labels are. Kierkegaard said: "When you label,me you negate me"...but he was maybe kinda extremist. Maybe when you label me you negate the …
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Loren Shumaker-Chupp (Signals Midwest, bass)
SPB: What do your parents think of your music?
Loren Shumaker-Chupp: My parents have always appreciated that I play music and what I get out of it. It was something that they encouraged me to learn when I was younger and supported throughout grade school when I began to draw serious interest into …
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Sarah Neufeld (solo, Arcade Fire)
SPB: What are the biggest challenge you face in getting the sound you want live while playing with amplified instruments?
Neufeld: I've always had a pretty good pick-up situation on my violin, so it hasn't really been an issue. It is fun to experiment with pushing the sound of that instrument in a …
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Anthony (Stranger by Starlight)
SPB: What is your favorite 1970s artist?
Anthony: It's incredibly difficult to pick a favourite artist, album or even track from the entirety of the 1970s, so many things spring immediately to mind, all of which deserve to be mentioned: Leonard Cohen, The Stooges, Amon Duul II and Ash Ra Temple, Gang of Four, …
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Bryan Spinks (Samothrace, vocalist/guitarist)
SPB: How did you get so bloody heavy?
Spinks: I suppose it is a culmination of some different things. Obviously the riffs have to be solid. Tone is a huge factor, too. I, as many guitarists do, have spent the past 20+ years searching for the proper tone from my amps and cabs. It …
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Swordplay (Swordplay & Pierre the Motionless)
SPB: Is there a regional food you look forward to when you tour?
Swordplay: Boiled Peanuts. Probably the best part about going to the South is boiled peanuts. Last time I was in SC, I learned they can even be turned into hummus. It's delicious.
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Jared (Sundowners)
SPB: What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you on a tour? Have you ever been stranded or forced to cancel?
Jared: Great question! and really annoying memories to look back on. Hahaha.
Sundowners were on an eight-to-ten hour drive to Salt Lake City maybe three weeks into the tour. We had already been missing …
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Phil (Somos)
SPB: What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
Somos: This is tough because I have had a lot of shitty jobs. But first would have to be babysitting rich kids. I was 18 and had just moved to San Francisco from Massachusetts. I was desperate for money and was looking for any kind of work …
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Alex (Silver Snakes)
SPB: Who was your favorite band that you discovered on your last tour?
Alex: My favorite band I discovered on our last tour is Third Seven. We were playing our last show with HRVRD at The Launchpad in Albuquerque, NM and I was captivated by the music playing over the PA after sound check. Layers …
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Adam (Say-10 Records)
SPB: What is your go-to karaoke song?
Adam: Let's set the stage... I am the worst karaoke performer of all time and I only participate when I am surrounded by people that treat it as if they are at an american idol try out.
I always grab the mic, wrap the chord around my …
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Mike Hall (Sick Sick Birds)
SPB: If I’m not mistaken, one or two of you in Sick Sick Birds have children, correct? What do your kids think of your band?
Hall: Yes, we all have kids. There are five of them now, ranging from 2-10 years old. Mostly, I think my kids just think of the band as …
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SPB: Do you still get nervous before you play a show? How do you address your nerves?
Spoonboy: Sometimes. I just try to remember that I've played like 1000 shows and I just mentally teleport myself to after the show is over, where I see that everything went fine. Because, even if some shows go better than …
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Annie Sparrows (Soviettes, FM Wired, Lil Happiness, God Damn Doo Wop Band)
SPB: What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you on tour? Have you ever been stranded or had to cancel?
Sparrows: Yes, I TOTALLY got left at a gas station in the middle of nowhere by accident. Everyone else got about 5 miles away when they …
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Stuart Dahlquist (Asva, ex-Burning Witch)
SPB: What is a city or country you’d love to play but never have?
Dahlquist: One city or country is tough because there are so many places I'd like to play and haven't...
I guess you could throw a dart at a world map and say ,"You’re going here, Stuart. Pack appropriately," …
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Chris McCaughan (Lawrence Arms, Sundowner)
SPB: I take it by the multiple baseball references in your songs that you're a fan. What are your thoughts on the recent doping scandal?
McCaughan: Hold up! There's cheating and steroids in baseball?!! C'mon. Are we really so surprised by all this?
It's certainly unfortunate, as I think a lot of …
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SPB: What are the origins of the Y-microphone?
Shellshag: Our custom, Flying V mic stand was invented by Shell.
We started facing each other at practice since we used a stand-up drum kit and there were just two of us, but we were already used to the standard performance positions of facing the crowd so, at …
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