Quite literally, a one question interview. Also known as 1QIs, we post these first to our social media on a near-daily basis, with the archival piece here. Check 'em out.
Rev (The Drowns)
SPB: Noting that Terry Hall recently passed away, what is your favorite song by The Specials and what does it mean to you?
Rev: My first band ever was a ska band when I was in high school over 20 years ago now. I learned how to play “A Message To You Rudy” and “Nite …
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Victor Dowgiallo (Grizzlor)
SPB: You just released a collection of b-sides and rarities. Did you use any specific techniques in mixing to get a steady sound when merging different recording sessions?
Dowgiallo: No, I didn't use any special techniques, I just basically went into the old mixes and touched them up in a way with some things …
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Jake (Painted Light – guitar)
SPB: What type of guitar do you play (and how did you land on this one)?
Jake: Fender 1972 Thinline Telecaster!
I love it because the tone is warm, not too bright -- but the highs come through well, and the pickups are hot enough to really project the tapping parts into …
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Elle Reynolds (Endless, Nameless)
SPB: You’re named after a hidden Nirvana track. What other record “gimmicks” like bonus tracks are you a fan of?
Reynolds: There are a lot I’m a big fan of, honestly! My absolute favorites are little handwritten notes/drawings and things like that, the really special one of a kind stuff that you typically only …
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Joe Anderl (The 1984 Draft)
SPB: What is the origin of the band name?
Anderl: Both my parents are from Omaha, Nebraska. My dad graduated from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Since my dad was in the Air Force, we moved around a lot so we didn’t have deep ties to any real geographic region or sports …
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Ben Green (Fairweather-keyboards/vocals)
SPB: Did you experiment with different sounds in the studio for Deluge, or did you enter knowing exactly what equipment you wanted to capture it? (Do you have any examples of equipment that helped to define this EP?)
Green: Lots of different guitar sounds went into the recording of this record. I think …
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Johnny Waylon Porcupine (Friends of Cesar Romero)
SPB: You’re averaging about a record per year over a 10+ year span. What keeps you motivated?
Johnny Waylon Porcupine: Short answer- death. Long answer- I like writing and recording songs. Seneca said it best “It is not that we have a short space of time but that we waste much …
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Alex (The Remote Controls)
SPB: What’s your favorite Ramones deep cut?
Alex: My favorite Ramones deep cut is “Oh Oh I Love Her So” from Leave Home. I’m a big fan of Joey’s love songs and this is one of the best. The song has a cool ‘50s/American Graffiti vibe but set against the backdrop of Coney …
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Ian (Easy Beach)
SPB: You stated that you want the new record to sound live. What, ultimately, was the trick to capturing that vibe?
Ian: Recording as much as we could ourselves, and being accepting of the blemishes. I think anyone who puts out a record will listen and have a lot of things they would change, or …
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Hex Records
SPB: How do you typically find the bands you sign to the label?
Hex: There’s a secret cabal of labels that select bands through an ancient ritual and lots of blood… wait, I just gave too much away. Honestly though, it’s a mix of keeping up with what my friends and bands I’ve worked with in …
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Donnie Hopper (The Bare Minimum – bass)
SPB: What stands out to you about your first live show with The Bare Minimum?
Hopper: What stands out to me about my first show with the Bare Minimum was how big the shoes were that I had to fill. It was a St. Paddy's Day show on March 15th, 2019. …
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Dylan (Colonial Wounds – bass/vocals)
SPB: Is there a particular musician who inspired you to start playing your instrument?
Dylan: Bass was the first instrument I learned to play and it was Hunter Burgan of AFI that inspired me the most at that point. The first song I tried to learn outside of shit like smoke on the …
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Ash (The Clever References – guitar/vocals)
SPB: How important is TikTok platform for a DIY band?
Ash: It's a lottery ticket. You can do everything right on that platform, and find that the algorithm has changed and it's kinda left you behind. Alternatively, a piece of content you make might skyrocket you to fame that risks you being …
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Chris (School Drugs)
SPB: What model van is your go-to for touring?
Chris: Econoline E-350 with extended cab, the fifteen-passenger masterpiece. Generally bigger and more comfortable, able to haul all gear and personal effects. Out of the thirteen vans I've owned, four of them were that very model. The last van we had before our current ride, known …
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Ray Gurz (WIPES – bass/vocals)
SPB: How likely you to pick up a record based off its cover with no knowledge of the band or music?
Gurz: I worked in are Double Decker Records for 8 years and during that time I became attracted to check out strange covers or just odd looking covers. I think the excitement …
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Eisenwald Records
SPB: What was the first concert you attended after COVID lockdowns?
Eisenwald: The first gig after covid was Panzerfaust and Velnias on one of their tourdates in Germany, which was a good one. And the second actually was the same tour... stopping at the esteemed Dark Easter Metal Meeting in Munich, Germany. Another short but fun …
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Tim Smolens (High Castle Teleorkestra – bass/co-producer)
SPB: What stands out to you the most, today, when you listen to your first record?
Smolens: My first album was with a band we called Don Salsa which was my high school band. The album was called Koolaide Moustache in Jonestown. Some of the members of Don Salsa went …
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Antti (Mustasuo)
SPB: How do the folks from Mustasuo react when they hear the kind of music you play under the moniker of their district?
Mustasuo: I doubt most people in Mustasuo (the district) have even heard of our band, or if they have, they're keeping their opinions to themselves. I actually know just one guy who lives …
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By The Spirits
SPB: Prior to putting this re-release together, when was the last time you revisited the bonus tracks that you ultimately chose to include?
By The Spirits: Bonus tracks included in the re-release of “We Are Falling” before the actual release were just sketches created after the original release of We Are Falling back in 2018. …
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Sarah Mary Chadwick
SPB: Do any of your musician friends have tinnitus?
Chadwich: Tinnitus? I barely knew him!
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