Tony (Barren Womb)
SPB: Were there any amps, cabs or anything else that stood out in the studio when you recorded Lizard Lounge?
Tony: There was nothing very unusual about the amp setup for the Lizard Lounge recording sessions, in fact it was very similar to the setup we’ve been running live for years. I split my signal between three amps: one is the main guitar tone, the other two work together to approximate a bass sound.
We used a Fender Hot Rod Deville 212 to get the guitar tone for the album, and a blend of a Fender Super-sonic paired with a Marshall 412 cab and a Fender Bassman 100 with an Ampeg 115 cab for the bass side of things. All of these run through a plethora of effect pedals to achieve the desired result. I had the Deville in the room with me and the two other amps were isolated in another room. Everything you hear on the album was tracked lived on a Telecaster with this setup, then we did overdubs with different guitars through the Deville after that.