Dave Williams (Crusades)
SPB: What do your children think of your music?
Williams: Well, my daughter is only two-and-a-half years old, but I'm a stay-at-home-parent and so our day is pretty full of music. I do my best to be as eclectic as possible, and so we end up listening to a lot of my favourite records that perhaps aren't typical toddler-fodder: The Spectacle, Kiss It Goodbye, Starkweather, The Swarm, etc., but Audrey never really seems put off by even the most extreme sonic onslaught. That said, she does tend to light up when I put on records that are more typically "pleasing" to the ears. Onsind/Martha, The Lemonheads, The Hellacopters/Imperial State Electric, Annalise... she definitely seems to boogie a little more when that stuff is on.
As for Crusades, she's seen us play twice, I believe, and she seemed to think it was pretty neat that I was on stage. That's pretty much all the feedback I've gotten on my band so far. Honestly though, I had a pretty broad musical education growing up and that's exactly what I plan to offer my kids as well. What they decide to do with it is out of my hands. But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be at all disappointed if it wasn't an important part of their lives.