Damaged City Fest
SPB: Festivals are a continually popular concept, though varying in formulas. What do you think is best about a festival versus a “regular” line-up of 3-5 bands?
Nick and Chris: We don't see festivals as an "alternative" to normal shows and prefer to view the two types of events as separate entities. I think if every single show was a festival, people would get pretty burned out. Both of us (Chris and Nick) have always set up normal shows and we'll always continue.
I think the advantage to festivals are primarily their scale. The larger turnout of people can help finance bigger headliners and help pay for international bands that probably couldn't afford to come otherwise. Festivals also act as a meeting point for punks to congregate from all over the world. Fests also make it easier for DIY bands to plan tours and help gain some security about traveling in from long distances.
Again, it has never been our intention to "replace" the traditional 4 band show with a fest. I think, if anything, there are many many many more "normal shows" as a direct result of the fest.