A Death Cinematic
SPB: What is the fewest people you’ve ever played to? How does the crowd size affect your approach?
ADC: I have only played a handful of shows and playing live is a fairly new development for A Death Cinematic. Tthe fewest people i played for was 10 or so.
At this point, I don’t really consider the size of the crowd when I perform. I just try to do the best that I can. My sets are improvised and kind of made up on the spot, so I try to keep it interesting and flowing for the listeners, no matter how many or how few.
A larger crowd does not necessarily mean a better crowd. I’d rather play for a few invested and dedicated listeners than for a hundred people who could care less what I am trying to do with the sound and end up talking through the set. The goal for me is to always put my best foot forward.