Fluffy (The Ejector Seats/The By-Products – bass/vocals)
SPB: How has the increasing digitalization of music changed how you listen to or consume music?
Fluffy: Well...this is a sensitive subject for me!
Mostly...I hate the digitization of music! I'm not a "purist" or anything...I just love records and the whole process/religious experience of listening to them. Don't get me wrong, I think the technology is incredible: recording band practices on your phone and emailing them to everyone before they even get home from practice is great; being able to pop your stuff up online and instantly be connected to the 4 corners of the planet is a game changer and a time saver...But as far as listening, I like my records and the whole selection process! Yes...a strange ritual to most...understandable to some.
Portability?!?? you ask...Well, I'm fine with CDs. CDs are pretty great in comparison to tapes! Although tapes definitely helped humanity to take their tunes on the road in the ancient past, I personally have lost sssssssssooooooooooooo much good music from my tapes being eaten, that the simple sight of a cassette makes my blood pressure rise!
So, to simply answer your question, the way digitzation has most changed how I consume music, is that I will go to a band's site, listen to a couple of tracks, and if I dig them, I'll buy the vinyl!