SPB: Besides music, what other arts are you interested in?
Nathan: Besides music my favourite type of art would have to be a tie between visual art and performance art. Both these mediums have the ability to be immediate, engaging, and can be executed on next to no money. Visual/performance art can create context on no budget, but is able to trigger reaction and convey emotion with just one movement.
Be it a stroke on a page, or a smirk on a face, this is the type of art that I can connect with.
Marnie: Besides music my favourite type of art is contemporary art. In particular instillation and performance art. I like the way that is pushes boundaries, it is given space in the public domain where it is acceptable to shock the audience.
I saw a lot of great things when I was at art school, I like that you don't necessarily need training to be creative and making art can be free. I like to think that there are no limits in contemporary art. A friend of mine waived dead meat around for his major work singing "Fish to the left, Ham to the right." He was having a fabulous time, I thought it was great. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you call it art, and I like that :)
One of my favourite instillations was something I saw at Carriageworks a few years ago, Ryoji Ikeda's “Test Patterns.” The blackened theatre had strobing lights and sounds coming from ever unseen edge of the room. It made me feel like I was a miniscule part of a giant barcode. I lost track of time in that piece. I like to be able to connect with the piece: that is the appeal for me.