Michael Yonkers
SPB: How does it feel to revisit music from so long ago? Are you the type of musician that enjoys playing and listening to a full back catalog or are you the type who tends to release an album and move on to the next project?
Yonkers: It is a very odd feeling, to say the least. I have been doing music for 52 years, so going back in time is quite a trip. It is not only the music, but the associated memories too.
I do go back in time, from time to time. But, mostly I am in a forward leaning position. I don't think there is any "right" or "wrong" way to look at (listen to) history. A lot can be learned from the past. For me, the past is too overwhelming to deal with on a regular basis.
So, the answer to your question is...
I am a person who mostly "moves on."