Mario Parra (More Than Sound Collective)
SPB: What’s a record you love that would surprise people?
Parra: I've always considered my taste in music to be diverse, in a limited sense; I never stray too far from pop punk, hardcore, ska punk, emo, and the like, basically because nothing else speaks to me in the same way. Aside from what occasionally appears in my news feeds, I don't have any ties with pop culture. If there's one album in my library that I love and might surprise people, it's probably Failure's Fantastic Planet. I'd be amazed, but glad, if anyone in the pop punk scene is familiar with the band. "The Nurse Who Loved Me" is an incredible song. It's one of those alternative/space rock albums that I discovered when Angels & Airwaves introduced me to a different type of music, years ago. I guess you could say that I don't really have any guilty pleasures.