M. Lehto (October Falls)
SPB: What is your day job and how does it fit (or conflict) with your artistic goals?
M. Lehto: Basically I work as a branch manager at financial sector and, as I'm not a touring artist, it's quite easy to fit any band-related things into my daily schedule. Naturally sometimes the job takes a lot of extra hours, but usually then there's no motivation to work with music anyway due to other things occupying the mind, so that makes no difference really. Of course, there are some personal views that I have and what can be partly seen on the lyrics or interviews, yet those need to be kept out when working, but naturally that's not a problem. Overall, who would want to take care of their business and always have to face the counterparts personal opinions about life, today’s world, or the current situation? No one and [therefore] it’s better to make a difference between your daily life what includes artistic goals and your regular day-job.