Leo (Plagues, singer)
SPB: Who is your favorite 1990s band or artist?
Leo: My favorite band from the ‘90s, hands down, is Refused.
Leo (Plagues, singer)
SPB: Who is your favorite 1990s band or artist?
Leo: My favorite band from the ‘90s, hands down, is Refused.
It barely seems like yesterday that we compiled our list of the best of 2012, but already the year 2013 is half finished, leaving in its wake some of the best albums of the last twelve months. Here the SPB team have compiled the best of these records, sorted by … Read more
Often an album comes along that defies all genre constraints and challenges your own perception on life and reality. Sometimes that album makes you delve deep within the self and question your own outlooks. Teethed Glory and Injury is that album. And oh, how it ravages your being.With Teethed Glory and Injury Altar of Plagues have created a work of … Read more
Ireland's Altar of Plagues play a style of black metal so atmospheric in nature, that you can't help but be completely taken in by the sounds you're hearing and the thoughts the music conjures in your mind. Mammal is only their second full length offering, and whilst White Tomb was unquestionably fantastic, this new record is on an entirely different … Read more
Aaron (The Snorts-guitar/vocals) SPB: Other than the new live record, what is your favorite split record, ever? Aaron: My favorite split of all time is: Spark Lights Friction / Ruined in a Day from 2000. That version of “Hearts and Canons” from Spark Lights just rips. --- The Snorts has … Read more
Yanmark Berube (2AMature-drums) SPB: Do you collect physical media? Berube: Absolutely, we collect physical media. It’s the only REAL way to own it. When you buy media digitally, you’re usually just purchasing the rights to access it, which can be revoked at any time. With physical media, it’s yours forever. … Read more
Matthew Brammer (Six Below Zero) SPB: Six Below Zero is both a solo project and you live in Wyoming, so I imagine you have limited live opportunities -- that said, does the project ever play live and does that possibility affect how you approach songwriting? Brammer: Consistently playing live is, … Read more
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