Jon Lebiecki (Undesirable People)
SPB: Winter touring: yes or now (and why/got any stories)?
Lebiecki: Yes, absolutely. Simply because we’ve got a sick record coming out on 12” that we need entire world to hear. I’m not quite sure where we are headed yet because we don’t have a booking agent. I think the plan is to head down south. The Midwest sucks in the winter, especially with all of this global warming shit going on. Who knows?! We'll figure it out.
By the way, that record is called Eternal Vision of a Blind Future and you can preorder right now from Hopefully you’ve heard of it already. But probably not because (A.) most major online media outlets would rather blind you with some bullshit news of some old band (Blink 182) doing the same thing over and over again & (B.) We are releasing it independently.