Features / Series: Remember that one time...?

A life lived and lessons learned by Eddie Spaghetti of Supersuckers.

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Guest Column: Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers): Part 4

Regular Columns / Remember that one time...? • September 2, 2013

Occasionally, when I'm traveling around the globe someone will ask me the very general, "What's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you?" A question that's inevitably met with a prolonged sigh and a "Where do I begin?" response that generally yields nothing in the way of quotability. It is the interest of these moments to which I've collected these memories in writing. These are part of a large scale, ongoing project that I will probably never finish. But I'm going to keep trying... I've learned a lot on the road, here's a little bit for ya! Remember That One Time...? A life lived and lessons learned by Eddie Spaghetti... (Some names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent)The time: the early ‘90s. The place: Cincinnati, OH. Okay, so very often on the road the truly memorable things that happen come up after the show. That's because, well, we're done with our "work" and it's commonly known to be time to "play."This one got a little rough. We were on our very first tour with the Reverend Snortin' Meat and we were having a fantastic time with them. They were fairly new to touring as well and enjoyed the drinking maybe a little bit more than we did—and they weren't terribly shy about it. The show was at a place called Bogart's, I believe, but the incident I'm talking about here occurred across the street at one of those laundromat/bar things that were so popular back then. The place was … Read more

Guest Column: Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers): Part 3

Regular Columns / Remember that one time...? • July 29, 2013

Occasionally, when I'm traveling around the globe someone will ask me the very general, "What's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you?" A question that's inevitably met with a … Read more

Guest Column: Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers): Part 2

Regular Columns / Remember that one time...? • July 7, 2013

Occasionally, when I'm traveling around the globe as I do someone will ask me the very general, "what's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you?" A question that's inevitably … Read more

Guest Column: Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers)

Regular Columns / Remember that one time...? • June 17, 2013

Remember That One Time...? A life lived and lessons learned by Eddie Spaghetti *some names have been changed to protect the not so innocent This happened in the mid-nineties, 1995 … Read more

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