The equation is very simple. Take several old school death metal fans and add copious amounts of bud. The result is Richmond's very own blaze-driven Cannabis Corpse. The band, whose idea was to express its love for smoking weed and listening to Cannibal Corpse, released their second album, Tube of the Resinated, on April 20th, a fine day to champion … Read more
One of the more surprising events or rather instances that I have been able to witness is that of discovering the three piece outfit City of Ships. The group's frenetic energy and obvious emotional stake in the music which they play is simultaneously impressive and inspiring. Live Free or Don't is actually the band's first EP which precedes their self-released … Read more
The liner notes for Sigillum Luciferi are emblazoned with the phase "tune down, smoke up," which really ought to be the motto for any self-respecting stoner/doom/sludge band. Cough definitely fits that sound to a "t," and the packaging of the album, adorned with naked chicks, occult symbols, and pot leaves, does as well. But how does Cough stack up with … Read more
Outclassed's This Might Be Coincidence is a five-song escape from tranquility. Their satisfyingly raucous punk is filled with energy and misshapen tempos. Song titles like "Kick God in the Face, Hail Satan" and "Fuck Mark" are almost impossible to hate. Their label Forcefield Records is also home to City of Ships, Triac, and Cannabis Corpse. The one-sided LP release of … Read more
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