Threat Signal have parted ways with guitarist Adam Weber and have recruited ex-Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris to fill in for him for the time being. Band bassist Pat Kavanagh released the following statement on the matter:
“I’m going to start this update off with the good news. We’re playing a week of shows with our friends in Soilwork in August. Can’t wait to play with those dudes again! Check out our myspace for the dates. Also we’ll have former Darkest Hour shredder and awesome dude Kris Norris filling in! So you definitely don’t want to miss these shows. Now you may be asking yourself ” filling in?!?” yeah, onto the bad news.
Here it comes again folks, there’s been another casualty in TS. Adam has decided to leave us. He has some personal things he needs to work out and we wish him all the best. We’re still good friends and there’s plenty more beers that we’ll have together so no worries. I know this sucks to hear for a lot of you and I can list off a boat load of bands that have been through the same shit we’ve been through.
Just know it sucks hard on our side too On a positive note we have a huge head start on the next record. Even have a few demos already! You’ll be hearing new shit soon. So we hope to see you on the road with Soilwork, Mutiny Within and Kris Norris soon! Good times will be had by all! Now I’ll leave you with this little fun game; let’s see how you guys can finish this joke: How many Threat Signal guitarist’s does it take to screw in a light bulb…….”