Flying Colors, featuring Michael Portnoy (Dream Theater,) Steve Morse (Deep Purple,) Casey McPherson (Alpha Rev,) Neal Morse, and Dave LaRue, has released their first record, the self-titled Flying Colors on Music Theories/Mascot Label Group/MRI. Says Portnoy about the projects, "This album has bits and pieces of what you'd expect from each of us. The sum of all it's [sic] parts led to brand new, uncharted territory for everyone involved."
Flying Colors Track Listing
1. Blue Ocean
2. Shoulda Coulda Woulda
3. Kayla
4. The Storm
5. Forever in a Daze
6. Love Is What I'm Waiting For
7. Everything Changes
8. Better Than Walking Away
9. All Falls Down
10. Fool in My Heart
11. Infinite Fire