Our newest feature here at Scene Point Blank is our semi-daily quickie Q&A: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Well, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week regardless.
After our social media followers get the first word, we'll later post a wrap-up here at the site. This week check out Q&As with members of Heartless, The Careeners (formerly Grabass Charlestons), Pastepunk, Amy Oden.
Rick (Heartless)
SPB: What are you expectations of how your final show(s) will go, from an emotional standpoint?
Rick: We are ending on good terms and at a time when we are still relevant, so I expect the shows to be both sad and exciting. We are looking forward to ending Heartless with the people who have supported us every step of the way. It will be a bummer to play these songs together for the last time, but I'm hoping that the shows will be unforgettable for everyone involved.
Dave Drobach (Careeners fka Grabass Charlestons)
SPB: If you met your character Dale in real life, would you hang out with him/have a beer?
Drobach: Absolutely. Complex characters are always worth getting to know over a beer. Don't get to know Dale as a specimen in a cage. Let him in. He has great stories, will probably turn you on to books and ideas that will improve your life. Let him crash on your couch while he gets his shit together. He'll be the guy that picks you up from jail someday down the road. My closest friends are Dales. I couldn't imagine life without him/them.
Jordan Baker (pastepunk)
SPB: What has been the hardest transition as you’ve let Pastepunk go to rest?
Baker: The hardest thing by far has been when I hear new music for the first time and feel a sudden urge to write about it. My mind hasn't let go of the desire to share my thoughts and from that, I've loosely started a new personal blog Leveling Spirit -- http://levelingspirit.tumblr.com/ While I no longer feel like I have the weight of a 14 year zine history hanging over me, I miss the sensation of being an organism inside a greater, growing being.
Amy Oden (filmmaker, From the Back of the Room)
SPB: What is your favorite music-related film or documentary?
Oden: Rise Above (the Tribe 8 documentary) is probably my favorite music-related documentary, because it illustrates how the band's politics informed their performance.