"The Green" from Kittyhawk is available for streaming. The band has an upcoming 4-way split with Droughts, Frameworks, and Prawn releassing on Nov. 25 (Fair Weather Records) and a split with Cherry Cola Champions on Nov. 19 (Flannel Gurl Records).
"The Green" from Kittyhawk is available for streaming. The band has an upcoming 4-way split with Droughts, Frameworks, and Prawn releassing on Nov. 25 (Fair Weather Records) and a split with Cherry Cola Champions on Nov. 19 (Flannel Gurl Records).
Jonathan Ashwell (Flannel Gurl Records) SPB: What is your favorite record store? How did you discover it? Ashwell: Like coffee shops where ever we go, we try to visit any and all independent record stores when visiting a city we have never been before. We try and treat any visit … Read more
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