Ihate, a new project from Chris Barnes and featuring multi-instrumentalist/horror enthusiast Bob Taggett, is working on an eight song debut. Here's Barnes explanation on Ihate's formation:
Early last year I got a message via Facebook from someone named Bob and Bob said to me, as a lot of people do, "I have some songs and I'd like you to sing on them. Can I send you a song so you could check it out?" I get a lot of these requests and didn't think too much of it, but since I was just fresh back from a tour and a little bored, I decided to entertain the idea of listening to a song from Bob. After receiving an email with the first track that was attached to a video which more or less mapped out a murder storyline, I thought it was really different, and definitely creepy visually. And there was something very primitive and energetic to the attack of the music. It was very driven. I could feel it instantly. I knew this wasn't a joke and w sn't done half-assed. The music I was listening to was aggressive as a knife carving chunks of flesh off a body.
A preview track, "Seeing Red," is posted after the jump. Barnes is also a member of Six Feet Under.