News / Bands
1QI: Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals

Posted by Cheryl on February 17, 2014

1QI: Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals
1QI: Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals

Our newest feature here at Scene Point Blank is our semi-daily quickie Q&A: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Well, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week regardless.

After our social media followers get the first word, we'll later post a wrap-up here at the site and archive 'em here. This week check out Q&As with Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals.

Brad Perry (Worn In Red)

SPB: What do you remember of playing your first live show ever?

Brad: The first show I ever played was with my high school punk band, Officer Friendly. I was 15 and played bass. Ryan Geis (who works at No Idea and was in Rehasher & Savage Brewtality) played guitar -- it's crazy how long he and I have been friends. Anyway, no regular venues in tiny-ass Fredericksburg, VA would let a punk band of 15 year-olds in, but we were dying to play out. So when a friend of mine told me she was having a class pool party at her house, I didn't even stop to think about the fact that it maybe wasn't the best fit. I just immediately started bugging her to let us play. She eventually said OK and we did it. It ruled. We were loud and hyper and singing about how the PMRC sucks, and how small town cops are just power tripping rednecks. I don't think the parents of Mrs. Gill's 9th grade Honors English class were quite ready for a band of kids obsessed with Dead Kennedys and Minor Threat shouting and writhing and jumping off the cabana furniture. But pretty much all of our classmates loved it. We spent the rest of the party getting everyone to pretend to stage dive into the pool. 


SPB: Is your band name in reference to the sexual orientation, the Greek island, any of the three ships that bore the name SS Lesbian, or the mason rule that can be bent to measure curves with an astonishing degree of accuracy? 

Lesbian: It's actually all four of those, especially the last, but also the fifth option that you forgot to mention, which is a futuristic planet called Lesbian. On Lesbian there is poverty and war for never, but plenty of dinosaurs and mushrooms. Fractal geometry is required and heavily enforced. We're there right now, man...getting wasted.

Brandon Helms (From Oceans to Autumn)

SPB: Whose idea was it to make an album based on Pareto analysis? 

Brandon: Pareto Analysis was our guitarist Brandon's idea. It is a concept that more can be done in less time. That was the main basis for volume 1 of the series: 5 songs in 5 minutes; volume 2 was about stretching time constants, with the upcoming volume 3 being the two extremes of time.

Eric Scobie (Great Reversals)

SPB: How did you get involved with Jay Maas for the To the Ends of the Earth 10"?

Eric: We got involved with Jay because we all absolutely loved the first two Defeater records, and when we heard he recorded them we admired them even more. Jay's ability to capture both the heaviness and emotional vulnerability present on those records was really attractive to us. I did a little more research and discovered he had also recorded Shipwreck A.D.'s Abyss (which is a collective favorite for us), as well as Bane, I Rise, etc. and we were sold. So basically we just reached out and emailed him, explained the concept for the record and crossed our fingers. Much to our surprise, he responded pretty quickly and said he'd be into it. We exchanged a few more emails and then locked the dates in. 


1QI: Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals
1QI: Worn In Red, Lesbian, From Oceans to Autumn and Great Reversals

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