Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Okay, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week.
After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap-up here at the site and archive 'em here. This week check out Q&As with Teen Death, Seagulls, Gypsy Eyes, and His Dream of Lions.
James Goodson (Teen Death, guitar/vocals)
SPB: Who is your favorite band to see live?
James: I think my favorite band to see live is AFI. Not only are they one of my favorite bands in general, they also kill it live. Every show feels special and epic: they always seem like they're giving it everything they've got. They do a great job of representing their entire discography in the setlists, and seem like they're having a great time. It's inspiring to watch a band that's been around for so long continue to bring their A-game live and still have fun doing it.
Dominic DiCecco (Seagulls)
SPB: Have people confused you with Eagulls yet?
Dominic: I called out sick from work once and it happened to be the day Eagulls played Atlanta, at The Earl. One of my co-workers had mistakenly confused my band with Eagulls and it appeared to him I called out of work to play the show. My supervisor caught wind of this and I had some 'splainin to do when I returned to work. Luckily, Eagulls is both British and popular which made it quite easy to discern between them and us.
Gypsy Eyes
SPB: What's your favorite movie sequel?
Gypsy Eyes: I'd have to say my favorite movie sequel is "2046" by Wong Kar Wai. It's the second in a trilogy of films, the first being "In The Mood For Love" and the third being "Days of Being Wild." The film is about a science fiction author struggling to write his latest book after losing the woman he loves. However, the story is so much deeper than the synopsis. The writing is great, Tony Leung and Ziyi Zang are amazing as always, and cinematography and set design create two hours worth of eye candy. It's easily one of my favorite movies ever.
Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfNe3zFT9rk
His Dream of Lions
SPB: Assign each member of your band to a character in The Breakfast Club.
His Dreams of Lions:
Colby - Criminal - He thinks his hair cut is really cool (applicable to all members)
Blair - Brain - He eats differential equations for breakfast
Seth - Princess - Like Claire, he too has never kissed a boy on the mouth. A fact he is often shamed for.
Jack - Basket Case - When he pulls his hair back and puts on makeup, nondescript ‘80s love ballads start to play.
Nick - Athlete - He's the only one in the band that actually looks like Emilio Estevez.