News / Bands
1QI: Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing, Quintron

Posted by Cheryl on January 12, 2015

1QI: Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing, Quintron
1QI: Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing, Quintron

Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Okay, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week.

After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap up here at the site and archive 'em here. This week check out Q&As with Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing and Quintron & Miss Pussycat.


SPB: How big is your record collection?

Brickfight: Short Answer: 732

Long Answer: In a Cold War-style escalation which stems primarily from a missing copy of I Farm's Sincerely, Robots lent to Jonathan by Nick well over four years ago, all record players have gone quiet in the Brickfight camp. While neither party will admit to being the last custodian of the missing album, both have adopted Complete Vinyl Silence (CVS) in solidarity with the errant record until it is back in the hands of its rightful owner. Sanctions continue to increase, and the possibility of an amicable end to this standoff grows dimmer as each day passes.

Fletcher (On the Water)

SPB: What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

Fletcher: Tough question: Being a high school dropout, I have worked some very shitty jobs.

Providing customer service and sales for a mail/online porn business here in Philadelphia, one of my special tasks was clearing out the voicemail for Mailing List removal. [I] had to sit through half-hour long tirades by angry housewives and even some gentlemen who were leaving personal ads, in hopes of scoring a date with a porn star. It was a cool job thanks to some rad co-workers there... I think it still qualifies as worst job I've held. [I] dealt with a lot of truly crazy folks and I'm sure the job has forever warped my mind.

Sam Calagione (Dogfish Head Brewing, founder and president) 

SPB: What is the connection between brewing and music? 

Sam: There are two art forms that have been created and enjoyed since the dawn of civilization, and enjoying them simultaneously amplifies the experience of each.  

Our brewery has been obsessed with music since long before we opened. Back in the mid-‘90s when I was homebrewing and writing the Dogfish business plan, The Replacements were on the radio, as were Guided by Voices nad Miles Davis. And anytime today when I’m in the brewhouse there’s something playing. 

It’s not only fun to brew with music, it’s fun to drink with music. And that’s been a reality since the birth of civilization. The earliest known fermented beverage in the history of mankind was discovered in a tomb in China, in the Jiahu province. This dig site is significant because it not only housed the oldest known fermented beverage, but it also housed the oldest known playable musical instrument: these hollowed-out bird bones that were like a modern flute. So you know the night they shut the tomb of this very important person, they were having a hootenanny. They were playing music, drinking beers, and feeling close to the gods. 

Quintron & Miss Pussycat

SPB:How do you describe your sound to strangers when they ask?

Quintron: SWAMP TECH

1QI: Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing, Quintron
1QI: Brickfight, On The Water, Dogfish Head Brewing, Quintron

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