Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Okay, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week.
After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap up here at the site and archive 'em here. This week check out Q&As with Ampere/Kindling, Plow United, Recreant, and United Teachers of Music.
Stephen Pierce (Kindling, Ampere)
SPB: Rank these listening options: cd, vinyl, digital, cassette, (other?)
Pierce: 8 track, floppy disc, player piano, minidisc, wax cylinder.
From worst to best.
Joel Tannenbaum (Plow United, The Rentiers, Ex Friends)
SPB: As a musician, do you find terminology such as “side project” to be relevant to you in any way?
Tannenbaum: In my experience, once a band starts being perceived as a side project, it's pretty much dead. So yeah, I'd say I find the term to be highly relevant!
SPB: What’s the largest crowd you’ve played to? Did you approach it differently?
Recreant: Not really sure, we approach every show differently. It just depends on the space. We have played for crowds that have just been the other bands, to almost 200 people. We prefer playing on the floor to a stage. A house show or D.I.Y. space to a bar or music hall.
Nate Pischke (United Teachers of Music)
SPB: What role does humor play in songwriting?
Pischke: Humor doesn’t play a role in our music. We’re serious as fuck and I’m pretty upset that you’d even ask that.