News / Bands
1QI: A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire, High Priests

Posted by Cheryl on August 15, 2015

1QI: A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire, High Priests
1QI: A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire, High Priests
Welcome to our almost daily quickie Q&A feature: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook & twitter and we'll post an interview four days each week, typically every Monday-Thursday.
After our social media followers get the first word, we post a wrap-up here at the site and archive them here. This week check out Q&As with A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire and High Priests.

A Death Cinematic

SPB: What is the fewest people you’ve ever played to? How does the crowd size affect your approach?

ADC: I have only played a handful of shows and playing live is a fairly new development for A Death Cinematic. Tthe fewest people i played for was 10 or so. 

At this point, I don’t really consider the size of the crowd when I perform. I just try to do the best that I can. My sets are improvised and kind of made up on the spot, so I try to keep it interesting and flowing for the listeners, no matter how many or how few.

A larger crowd does not necessarily mean a better crowd. I’d rather play for a few invested and dedicated listeners than for a hundred people who could care less what I am trying to do with the sound and end up talking through the set. The goal for me is to always put my best foot forward.

Mike Stoloski (Ma Jolie – vocals/guitar)

SPB: Is there a particular interview question that you’d prefer to never  answer again?

Mike: Well, this is a hard question to answer. I feel bad criticizing the people who take the time to ask me questions about my music and sit through the rambling, incoherent answers I give back to then have to reflect on those answers and write about them to help me get my music to more people. In addition, we've also only had a handful of interviews, so I don't think I really have any questions that bother me too much.

I guess I'm getting a little tired of reading interviews with loaded questions about being from Philadelphia. Things that usually read like, "So you guys are from Philly, how awesome is it? It's pretty awesome right? Tell me about how awesome it is."  I'm just tired of hyperbole in general and that particular topic is full of it and just isn't interesting. Ask me about tacos or something. People would read about tacos.

Cape Noire

SPB: What prompted you to choose a black cape as a sartorial statement and a band name? 

Cape Noire: Cape Noire came out of me one day as it is. The black cape is not a garment, it’s a character in itself. We don’t really know who is under the cape: a man, a woman, or dozens of lost souls. When it was born, on that day I was really down, it came out of my belly, then stood in front of me, and I knew I could follow it, everything would be fine from this moment. We started to compose... 

The music is aerial and passionate, the sounds are pure but all seems to come from a “beyond the grave” festival. The voice takes you into imaginary lands and forsake you on a bridge between sweetness and your darkest thoughts. I named it Cape Noire because it’s simply what it is.

Mikey (High Priests)

SPB: How did you “discover” punk rock?

Mikey: Well, like a lot of folks out there, I had older relatives who got me into music; who started bands; and brought music I had never heard into my ears. I’d watch my cousin practice at my Aunt’s house and then they’d show me a cd or two that I’d then listen to constantly. I’d read the liner notes of the album, whilst listening to the album start to finish, and would look up any and every band they listed as influences or tour mates.  I’d go to the Library (luckily my home town library had an amazing selection) and type in the word “punk” into the database system. They had and get a wide arrange of music that would be considered in the realm of punk-which opened my mind even more to music. I’d max out my library card with cds and continue to do with those albums what I did before reading the liner notes. 

This way I got not only super in to punk music but music in general. I began going to house shows and all ages punk shows when one of my older cousins got his license and found a whole realm of different punk communities near my home town.

1QI: A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire, High Priests
1QI: A Death Cinematic, Ma Jolie, Cape Noire, High Priests

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