One of our features here at Scene Point Blank is our semi-daily quickie Q&A: One Question Interviews. Follow us at facebook or twitter and we'll post one interview every Monday-Thursday. Well, sometimes we miss a day, but it will be four each week regardless.
After our social media followers get the first word, we'll later post a wrap-up here at the site and archive 'em here. This week check out Q&As with Caïna, Delay, Stop Breathing, and Dex Romweber Duo.
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SPB: You've been active again for a year, what's been the highlight of the time you've been back?
Caïna: It's been a pretty frenetic year with a lot of highs and lows. Recording the upcoming Setter of Unseen Snares LP was cool because I worked with an external producer for the first time after 10 years doing everything solo, but I'd say the highlight was the “surprise” full band set we played supporting Full of Hell in July.
We were deep in rehearsals for the planned 10th anniversary show taking place a few days after that and thought it'd be a good opportunity to practice the songs again, but it turned into the best 20 minutes of my whole career despite (or maybe because of) some major equipment fuck-ups. Screaming directly into people's faces because of a broken mic is something I never knew I had always wanted to do ‘til then, and it initiated a night of absolute mayhem.
Austin (Delay, bass/vocals)
SPB: What is your most common tour food?
Austin: I am answering on everyone's behalf in the band. I would say our most common tour food is burritos, especially if we are going to the West Coast where, in our humble opinions, the burritos are great, plentiful, cheap, and filling. Plus, burritos can be modified easily for food allergies/preferences...everyone is happy...unless you don't like burritos. Does anyone NOT like burritos? I'd be wary of anyone who claims to not enjoy a great burrito every now and then (and by “every now and then,” I mean every other day). Delay will be eating burritos in a city near you this November. Check it:
John (Stop Breathing, vocals)
SPB: What do you think of bands playing an album in its entirety as a tour concept?
John: I am all for it, as long as the albums they play are good ones!! I've only been to a couple shows like this, but I'm envious of all of you in Chicago this weekend watching those 10 bands play those 10 classic albums. Even though I saw most of those bands tour on the albums they are playing when the albums came out (because I'm old).
Playing in bands since the mid ‘90s, I know how it is to want to play the newest jams you're coming up with. You get sick of playing the same songs night after night. Unfortunately all albums are not classic, and the fans--not the artist--decide what is classic and what is not. It takes a big band to realize this, and give the fans what they want.Is it punk to play songs you hate because the fans want to hear them? FUCK NO!!! You should do what YOU want and not care what anyone thinks, but I don't see any harm in playing songs you wrote to people who love them. Who really wants to hear any Weezer songs that came out after Pinkerton? Not me.
Dex Romweber (Dex Romweber Duo)
SPB: Who is the first musician whose technique or technicality really stood out to you?
Dex: Benny Joy of Tampa, FL and his guitarist Big John Taylor. Find “I'm Doubtful of your Love”and “Hey High School Baby.”