Quite an unusual story has surfaced on a variety of online messageboard forums, including Deathtalk, Expresso Beans, and Gigposters, concerning a series of fake art prints sales - screenprints and giclees - by a number of highly respected artists: Aaron Horkey, Jacob Bannon, Shepard Fairey, Florian Bertmer, and Malleus, among others. It appears an individual was involved in the production and selling of forgeries of prints from these artists, scamming thousands of dollars from the potential buyers over the course of the last several months. The same individual is reported to have been incarcerated in federal prison last year after swindling nearly $24,000 from individuals in another con job. Individuals have been informed to contact said artists for information on determining whether their prints are originals or fakes. No word on if the individual suspected of creating and selling the fake prints has yet to be prosecuted.