Sargent House has announced the upcoming debut release from Mylets, Retcon. The album consists of songs from three previous EPs, all remixed and remastered. It will be a lead-up to a new full-length later this year.
Retcon releases May 7 digitally and July 25 on vinyl. Mylets is teenage guitar player Henry Kohen.
Track list:
01. Seven Diamonds Plus One
02. Easy 80s
03. Marikoriko Pond
04. Hungover Tehran
05. Daniel Victory Jones
06. A Itch
07. Solid Gold Modesty Machine
08. Cate B / Tuition
09. Self-Help
10. Cartilage Colosseum
Bonus Tracks - Sargent House Live Glassroom Sessions:
11. Ampersand
12. Seven Diamonds Plus One
13. Slow-Walker (Acoustic)