Only Crime, the punk band comprised of members Russ Rankin (Good Riddance), Aaron Dalbec (Bane/Converge), Bill Stevenson (Black Flag/Descendents/All), Dan Kelly (The Frisk/Tegan And Sara), and Matt Hoffman (Modern Life Is War), has signed with Rise Records and will release a new LP for the label, titled Pursuance, on May 13.
It is the band's first full-length since 2007's Virulence.
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Track Listing:
1. We Are Divided
2. Contagious
3. In Blood
4. One Last Breath
5. Drowning
6. Absolution
7. No Truth In Love
8. Find Yourself Alone
9. Life Was Fair
10. See It Die
11. Emptiness And Lies
12. Bred To Fail