Attack in Black have announced the details to their new full-length and follow-up to 2007's The Curve of the Earth (LP/digital-only release). The album is titled Years (By One Thousand Fingertips) and is due out March 10th via Dine Alone Records. The tracklisting is as follows:
1. Years (By One Thousand Fingertips) 2. Leaving Your Death in a Flowerbed 3. Birmingham 4. The Greater Niagara Circle Route 5. Liberties 6. I Could Turn 7. Beasts 8. Leather Jacket 9. Messenger Bird 10. Seeds 11. Slender Loris 12. I'm a Rock 13. Blood (In the Tracks) 14. Moon of Day 15. Brownness of Her Curls 16. The Surface I Would Travel