Orlando street punks The Attack have announced a new EP, Under the Gun, set to hit shelves on Friday June 13. Of note, the band will release 5 versions of the EP with the lead track sung in a different language on each (Italian, German, English, Spanish, and French). The different EPs will be sold on iTunes with the physical 7" coming with a download included of each version.
The band is currently on a North American tour with The Business.
w/ The Business:
June 11 Tempe AZ Yucca Tap Room
June 12 Las Vegas NV Cheyenne Saloon
June 13 Los Angeles CA The Down and Out
June 14 Pomona CA Characters
June 16 San Diego CA The Soda Bar
June 18 Sacramento CA The Blue Lamp
June 19 San Fransisco CA The Parkside
June 20 Reno NV The Alley Sparks
June 21 Portland OR Branx
June 25 Boston MA The Church
June 27 Baltimore MD The Side Bar
June 28 Philadelphia PA Kung Fu Necktie
June 29 Brooklyn NY Knitting Factory