Street Sects have announced they will be releasing their new album, Kicking the Mule, on October 26th via The Flenser. You can check out their new track, "In For a World of Hurt," after the jump.
Street Sects have announced they will be releasing their new album, Kicking the Mule, on October 26th via The Flenser. You can check out their new track, "In For a World of Hurt," after the jump.
This deviant punk/industrial hybrid sprout onto the scene in 2014 with their EP Gentrification I: The Morning After the Night We Raped Death, introducing their aggressive, noisy and extravagant sound. However, it was their debut record End Position that saw them produce a succinct and complete offering presenting their full vision. Street Sects arrived with an intense and furious perspective, … Read more
Austin, Texas duo achieve an unholy alliance of industrial music and punk rock in their debut album, End Position. In paper it feels that something like that would not work, and a failed attempt to produce something coherent would only end in hysterical laughter. Thankfully, this is far from the case here, and Leo Ashline and Shaun Ringsmuth unleash one … Read more
Leo Ashline (Street Sects) SPB: There is a fair amount of your new album that was written focusing on the subject of addiction, which stemmed also from personal experiences. Do you feel that Street Sects has aided you, in that it acts as an outlet for your emotions? Ashline: Definitely. … Read more
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