News / Records
Video Premiere - "Tangents" by CATERPILLARS

Posted by Andy Armageddon on July 26, 2020

Video Premiere - "Tangents" by CATERPILLARS
Video Premiere - "Tangents" by CATERPILLARS

CATERPILLARS’ Facebook page declares that the four-piece group enjoys “chilling your bones while rocking them at the same time.” That description seems accurate in describing their upcoming third full length, Where Shadows Go to Speak. Following up 2018’s In the Company of Wolves, the album runs the gamut from being downright haunting early on before building to an optimistic finale, with wonderfully layered vocals and dramatic instrumental parts being featured prominently alongside atmospheric effects and bits of synth goodness.

Where Shadows Go to Speak is described as an album “about an individual that falls into a coma and has several unique experiences throughout that subconscious landscape dealing with life, loss, love, and a personal journey trying to find their way home.” With many modern artists going after hit singles rather than coherent albums, I was struck by just how satisfying a listening experience this release is. Concept records sometimes seem to be hit or miss, but this one is definitely worthwhile.

Premiering below is the nicely realized music video for the album’s second track “Tangents,” about which vocalist Chris Robinson explains: “It was originally about how half the band was leaving and we could no longer continue playing music together. So I disguised the lyrics into a love song so my other band members wouldn't know I was writing a song about how much I was going to miss them. Then we decided on continuing on and making this album because we realized we could still make an album despite all of us living all over Texas and California. So we wrote and recorded, mixed and mastered everything ourselves. Now here we are months later and our living situations don't matter anyway because no one can play live shows right now. The whole music world is changing the way its operating and thinking so then you look back at this one tiny moment where you were vulnerable to the world and it makes realize that nothing else matters and you're living your life as a Metallica song."

Check out the video below, and head over to Friends Club Records to preorder the album. $1 from each sale goes to benefit Campaign ZeroWhere Shadows Go To Speak drops on August 28th.


Video Premiere - "Tangents" by CATERPILLARS
Video Premiere - "Tangents" by CATERPILLARS

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