Swedish fourpiece hardcore group Ett Dödens Maskineri have a new 12-song record coming out Nov. 30 called Det Svenska Hatet on Suicide Records. To kick things off, the band is sharing "Låsta Dörrar" (below).
Playing fast political punk, the new record is a follow-up to the Sveriges Humanitära Ruiner EP, released last year.
Their name translates to "The Swedish Hatred" and the band defines their mission as "Seeking to destroy Sweden’s ultra-right and stem the flow of racist rhetoric; fascist government and the transfusion of philosophies that’ve poisoned the common good," according to pre-album press.
1. Dödens Maskineri (Featuring Radium Grrrls’ Emilia Henriksson)
2. Leviatan
3. Slavar Under Marknadsekonomin
4. Arbete Ger Frihet
5. Sveg
6. Trygghet & Tradition (Featuring Lastkaj 14’s Kapten Grå)
7. Röda Stugor Med ruttnande knutar
8. Det Svenska Hatet
9. Låsta Dörrar
10. Istid
11. Stad i ljus
12. Memento Mori