Fat Wreck Chords and Epitaph have teamed up for the released of 45...not a LP, a 3-song EP by RebUke -- a politically-minded and ukulele-driven project by Milo Aukerman of the Descendents.
Aukerman says this of the project, which released this week digitally (Epitaph) and will be on vinyl soon (Fat Wreck):
I’ve spent most of my punk rock life avoiding the temptation to write political songs; it always seemed like politics is the obvious go-to subject of punk and thus not of interest to me. Unfortunately, after the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, I find myself virtually unable to write songs about anything else. If you believe, like me, that 45 is not a LP, we ALL need to VOTE to make that a reality. Only then can we hope to see a return to sanity, a turning of the page. These songs are my personal attempts to turn the page on our national nightmare…if only I could will it through music.
45…not a LP track listing:
On You
Hindsight 2020
Royal Flush (feat. Rotten James Dio)