Out tomorrow on Earth in Sound label, we’re excited to give an early full-listen to cold moon/worm moon by missing scenes.
missing scenes is a project from R. Hunter (Conversations About The Light, Self Spiller, Snares of Sixes) and builds each track off a specific sound. The album was created one piece at a time, with Hunter recording a piece of music and field recordings under the full moon each month.
Hunter adds some insight (and news of what’s to come next):
In spite of the fact that I’ve been doing this a long time under a variety of names, I plan on continuing with missing scenes for the foreseeable future. I struggled with writer’s block for a long time; musically, lyrically, conceptually… but I’ve really tapped into something, and filled a void in my life. It’s incredibly fulfilling to plug in and get lost, or record the dawn chorus, early evening sounds, and the rain. And I especially enjoy making something new from all of these elements. It’s something I need in my life, whether or not anyone hears it.
Now that cold moon/worm moon is out, I’m focusing all of my efforts on the second album in the triptych, pink moon/buck moon. The first two pieces are done. While cold moon/worm moon explored a variety of facets that I enjoy working in, pink moon/buck moon will be a bit more focused on creating a more singular sound world.
The record was mastered by James Plotkin. Pick it up here.