We begin this Sunday morning with "Yaman," a track from the newly released album by The Lord + Petra Haden, titled Devotional, out now via Southern Lord.
The collaboration features The Lord [Greg Anderson of Sunn O))), Goatsnake and Engine Kid] with vocalist and violinist Petra Haden. and explores droning guitars, wordless vocalizations, and various heavy sounds clouded in haze. Indian classical music is cited as a prominent influence on the new album.
The two have previously collaborated in Goatsnake and SUNN O))), but not within the last 20 years, approximately, Anderson says.
The album released on Friday Oct. 21.
Track listing:
1. Devotional
2. Rise To Diminish
3. What Lies Behind Us Lies Buried Because It Is Dead
4. Ma Anand Sheela
5. Yaman
6. The End of Absence