High Castle Teleorkestra has curated a new two volume collection of eclectic global sounds, A Beginner's Guide To Sublime Frequencies, available for preorder now. While just a sample, the collection includes Egyptian surf rock, '60s Vietnamese pop, Italian cineam, and more styles from locations such as Indonesia, Africa, the Middle East, and South America. Broadly summarized, fans of pop music with exotic elements should take note, pulled from the Sublime Frequencies record label catalog.
Focused largely on instrumental numbers from the golden era of recorded music (1960s-1970s), this treasury of discovered recordings transports the listener to lesser explored pockets of Indonesia, Africa, the Middle East, South America and more. The melding of native folk songs and instruments with more modern surf, pop, rock and exotica elements is a trend that permeates much of this collection.
Tim Smolens of High Castle Teleorkestra adds:
We feel very fortunate to have been granted access to one of the greatest record collections of all time and have been given free reign to craft a specific selection of songs that we find the most aesthetically pleasing. We have sifted through more than 1,500 tracks to arrive at a distilled anthology that targets fans of our particular music scene, who might otherwise be intimidated by this massive collection.