A one-person grindcore project helmed by Andrew Notsch (This Is the Last Time, ex-Sunless), Manipulator has shared a new single called "Annhilated Prestige" as an early taste of the upcoming Drawing Secret Circles album, out Nov. 3 via Wise Grinds Records, Here Is Nowhere Records, Dead Red Queen Records, and Psychocontrol Records in Europe. It is the second Manipulator album.
Summed up as grindcore above, Manipulator culls from more styles, including hardcore and avant-death metal.
Drawing Secret Circles Track Listing:
1. Annihilated Prestige
2. Tangled Insides
3. Drawing Secret Circles
4. Dumbed Down To Worship
5. Feast Upon It
6. Writhe (I)
7. The Mask You've Made
8. Wet Tourniquet (II)
9. Recoiled In Waiting
10. Darkness Derides You
11. No This Won't End (III)
12. Rabbit (1st Offering)
13. Rabbit (2nd Offering)
14. Dripping Tourniquet (IV)
15. Severed (V)
16. Unleaded
17. Prestige Annihilated
18. Shit-Sided Die
19. Vomiting Thoughts
20. Fear And Mystery Drown