After releasing Oblivion in early 2022, Divided Heaven (Jeff Berman) has embarked on a series of singles, covers, and more -- which will now release as a collection titled V, due for release Nov. 17 digitally and on limited, lathe cut vinyl from Mt. Crushmore Records.
Many of the songs are collaborations with other artists: Jared Hart (Mercy Union), Matze Rossi, Sam Russo, Tiny Stills, Joy Weather, and more.
V tracklisting:
1. The New Hallelvjah (feat. Sam Russo)
2. We
3. Em (feat. Joy Weather, Brian Ishiba, No Red Alice & Mercy Music)
4. Best Friends
5. Eleanor Rigby
6. Clean Sheets (feat. Matze Rossi)
7. Tomoe (American Heart)
8. The Filthy 15
9. Time After Time (feat. Tiny Stills)
10. Because You're Young (feat. Jared Hart)
11. The White Rose
12. Generator (feat. Girlgoyle)
13. Lifers
14. In My Life