Buñuel, a noise-rock group comprised of Eugene S. Robinson (ex-Oxbow), Xabier Iriondo (Afterhours/A Short Apnea), Andrea Lombardini (The Framers), and Franz Valente (Il Teatro Delgiorrori) has announced a new double LP, Mansuetude, out Oct. 25 on SKiN GRAFT/Overdrive Records. The title, Mansusetude, translates to "meekness" or "gentleness," a contrast to the harsher and unbalanced sound within the record itself. Listen to the single "Drug Burn."
The record also features all kinds of guest appearances, noted in the track listing below.
1. Who Missed Me
2. Drug Burn
3. Class
4. Movement No. 201
5. Bleat (feat.Jacob Bannon)
6. A killing on the beach
7. Leather Bar (feat.Andrea Beninati)
8. High.Speed.Chase
9. American Steel (feat.Duane Denison)
10. Fixer (feat.Megan Osztrosits)
11. Trash (feat.David Binney)
12. Pimp
13. A Room In Berlin